Add this to the timeline:

1918 Wilson sends US troops to occupy Vladivostok, Russia, to prevent Japan from attacking while the Red Army beats the White Army. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Expeditionary_Force,_Siberia

Also, Hoover's Belgium Food Relief program diverted food to the Red Army to keep them well fed.

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The Zionist movement has always been a willing participant in creating the Jewish scapegoat, otherwise it wouldn’t exist. British intelligence creates the “problem”. Zionism offers the solution. Wall Street bankers, Warburg and Schiff, of Kuhn and Loeb who funded the Bolsheviks via Deutsche Bank happened to be Pilgrim Society members. The Anglo British concerns that created the ADL (1913 - interesting date in this context) continue to this day (Eric Pickles the current leader happens to be a Pilgrim).

Anti semitism has been a spectacular success as a weapon to hobble opponents. The most obvious example in the UK of recent times was removal of Jeremy Corbyn, former Labour Party leader (by accident) and replacement with Keir Starmer under the anti semitic trope. As a pro Palestine and non establishment politician he was public enemy no 1 for the establishment. An infamous BBC propaganda show masquerading as journalism called Newsnight (aimed at the professional class) used to photoshop him in front of the Kremlin wearing the traditional Russian winter hat. A commie and a Jew hater. Shock horror….

Another interesting snippet I came across was that the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (1914) provided funding to Kolchak ,the leader of the openly anti semitic white army, during the civil war! I’m sure there is an innocent explanation.

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Excellent! Thank you!

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Trick Or Treat at the Coroner's Office!

this Halloween...


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