Interesting, however I am not completely convinced as to the evolution of meaning of these symbols. I have grown more suspicious of interpretation of historical events and symbols provided by "experts" whose funding comes from institutions or foundations tied to banking or the world revolutionary movement (e.g., Dr. Terry Brennan, Arnold Toynbee).

It seems like much of the “history and science” we were indoctrinated with at school, explained in popular histories and films were lies or the important connections hidden. It would be interesting to discover the designers of the architecture and the seals and who they worked for. I believe there is a lot of hidden meaning in these, which the vast majority of us are left to interpret based on what is written about them.

The CO seal (above) has Nil Sine Numine – perhaps means nothing without divinity and then we have the all seeing eye above that, with the ax on the fasces pointed towards it - so which divinity is implied? The use of fasces on the seals for the judiciary seems pretty clear since these branches render judgments (based on laws or not) for the lectors to carry out. Even the military and police forces are seen as being assigned the task of enforcing judgments rendered by their superiors or according to commands - so I can see fasces used in their symbols. Today we have the police with batons (perhaps a modified version of the fasces). However congress does not have enforcement powers. The appearance of these symbols in congress is more than a bit disturbing. Here we see the fasces with the ax pointed towards the flag and the podium. The ax was supposed to be removed in parliament or “sacred” spaces – here it is in full display. The Lectors had high social standing and were very well compensated – well that is true with members of congress – but their compensation does not just come from the citizens/government – it comes from sources outside the government. In antiquity the lictor’s loyalty was solely to the entity they were assigned to protect, otherwise it would have been treason.

I don't think the ancient sculptures ever showed the institution/nobility/ruler which the lictor was to protect - actually touching the fasces. More modern sculptures like Lincoln (above) - suggest that he is the protector (Lictor) of the freed slaves and the union.

I was looking through a coin book, it is interesting to see what the script looked like in colonial times and its progression after the revolution - some interesting changes - but hard to interpret. MA halfpenny 1776 had a lady liberty (perhaps with a cap) sitting on a globe with "Liberty and Virtue" inscribed.

The plans of the House of Rothschild/Jewish Illuminati and its instructions to the Grand Orient Lodges for the World Revolutionary Movement were intercepted by the police/Bavarian Government in 1785 when the courier was struck by lightning. The plans included the design for the French Revolution in 1789 along with other things that have come to pass. Interesting is #10.

Dealing with the use of slogans he said “In ancient times we were the first to put the words ‘Liberty’, ‘Equality’ and ‘Fraternity’ into the mouths of the masses ... words repeated to this day by stupid pollparrots; words which the would-be wise men of the Goyim could make nothing of in their abstractness, and did not note the contradiction of their meaning and inter-relation.” He claimed the words brought under their directions and control ‘legions’ “Who bore our banners with enthusiasm.” He reasoned that there is no place in nature for ‘Equality’, ‘Liberty’ or ‘Fraternity’. He said “On the ruins of the natural and genealogical aristocracy of the Goyim we have set up the aristocracy of MONEY. The qualification for this aristocracy is WEALTH which is dependent upon us.” [From William Guy Carr – Pawns in the Game 1958]

Things probably are not what they seem and I, sure as hell, don’t have the answers. Thanks - Stay Free.

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Agreed in most instances. Toynbee was a tool. I don't assume the Rothschilds are instructing (or calling the shots) at the Grand Orient Lodge (they may be), and the rider-struck-by-lightening story turns out to be a myth.

Something that I think it is possible to research, but it would take some dealing with the bureaucracy is to find out if there were RFPs (Requests for proposal) for government contracts to design those statues and seals. It's a pretty standard practice when contracts are put out for a bid.

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I think tracking the designers, and the funders of these projects- would prove difficult since much time has passed. Nature provides so many designs and there is a wealth of creative people out there - yet these designs are chosen - must be for a reason.

There is a book published in 1798 by John Robinson - "Proof of a Conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe carried on in the secret meetings of free masons, illuminati and reading societies collected from good authorities". Which discusses Adam Weishupt's plans and the infiltration into free masonry. I have read the story of the rider-struck by lightening a few places - but who knows much of what we are told are myths has some truth and much of what we believe is true is often a myth. All revolutions need funding and most are set up by intelligence networks working on behalf of international banking (IMHO).

Have a Merry Christmas and Stay Free.

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On the Roman connection we recently visited Brindisi in southern Italy and were surprised to find a fountain with the following inscription “ Anno Domini MCMXL / XVIII ab Italia per fasces renovata / Victorio Emmanuele rege et imperatore / Benito Mussolini duce / Provincia f(ieri) f(ecit).”

The meaning of which is “ In the year 1940, the 18th year since Italy’s renovation through the fasces, while Victor Emmanuel III was King and Emperor and Benito Mussolini was Duce, the Province ordered this to be built.”

A commentary and picture can be found at https://flt.hf.uio.no/texts/inscription/269

I’ve lifted a part of the commentary as follows

“The fountain faces the Adriatic Sea and stands at the foot of the steps leading to Piazza Santa Teresa, where the monument to the fallen soldiers of the First World War rises. This location symbolizes both the imperial ambitions of Fascist Italy over the Mediterranean (mare nostrum) and, more subtly, its perceived connection with ancient Rome: Brindisi is the city where the Appian Way ends and from which the Roman army set sail to conquer the East. On the other hand, it also symbolizes the link Fascist ideology forged between the victory in the Great War and the foundation of a new Italian, Fascist empire”.

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Jordan Maxwell described the fasces thus, the rods represent the oligarchs, the ribbon is the treaty that binds the oligarchs, and the axe is for those that break the treaty.

In 330 AD Constantine the Great made Byzantium the capital of the Roman empire, after which Rome was no longer part of the Roman government. Germanic tribes sacked Rome in 410 because its remaining oligarchs kept eating babies. The surviving baby eating oligarchs fled to the lagoons. The Roman generals living in Gaul maintained Roman traditions in the West and in 1204, the Byzantine Romans fled north, now Russia. The baby eating oligarchs established Amsterdam around 1000 and established New Amsterdam in 1624, now called New York. Napoleon sacked Venice in 1797.

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It sounds about right, I think it makes more sense to think about them as land-based and ocean-based oligarchies. The baby eating is a bit histrionic, don't you think? (i'm open to evidence.)

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Well, the attacks on Rome were most likely slave revolts and the baby eating was a result of a prolonged siege induced starvation. The Germanic tribes were kind of Christian (Arianism) and the Romans were Pagans. I cannot prove the Romans didn't eat babies but I found this.


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