Good analysis. I also think he is actually promoting the new wave AI tools to "trust", the planned AI companions on your Smartphone and new computer OS will become the unsuspecting and lonely plebs best new and trusted friend because it will mirror and tell you everything you think and believe but with a twist on everything required from the Big Tech branch of government. They will be totally mind controlled when they buy into this AI companion stuff.

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Thanks. I watched the two video clips first. The update on his brain video - actually contains medical interventions I am somewhat familiar with and his positive results as to cognition and seizures do not surprise me, but I would have thought DMSO would be part of the treatment plan. The selected media and AI suggestions as for being truthful is what caused me to first question his advise. Also, when a person has served for years in "intelligence" and refers to various events/PSYOPS orchestrated by governments as being real or attributed to some other source, it typically causes me to be far more skeptical of what they say or advise they give. Your clip of him speaking before the TN police dept. told me everything I need to know about him - much of his career is probably based on control and manipulation of people that he regards as useful tools to serve the purpose of his controllers.

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i always lately put that into my dog's water, MSM, sulpher magnesium; many around here spew that industrial solvent for rent cars and houses, contiguous houses too, so all can spew for the jew-dollah. Wikispooks and ptech software, the public info go around, all three letters use. different source code, money laundering to pay for the spray houses in perps own names even. this is how they roll, destructive subtance launching and releasing, 'its organic' VOC liquid industerial solvent takeover as the army within. they'll never stop with the amounts they are getting to do it, blowback or highwater, stopping them will be difficult.

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hola peter and jessica.

i'm here for my 2nd comment, this time after your discussion had come to a close.

i loved this — maybe! yes! your deconstruction was brilliant and i really appreciate the depth of understanding.

soap bubble thing. yes! and they are panicking, i think, with how their great plan(s) are not going well. yes, they can still make a mess, of course. (la is burning with unnatural fires in preparation for the 15 minute city. odd that the necromancer-narrative-masters are still going with those cities despite their intended cull not going as well as they thought it would imo. there are still too many living for them to make those cities work as planned. likely they are still hopeful that the rate of increase in excess mortality will accelerate as abetted by the next plandemic announced by hortez to begin jan 21!

well, maybe, of course.

i added this second comment because your free association, sort of, comment/query on the desire by the oligarchs to remove god makes great sense to me and, more significantly for me, is a totally awesome synchronicity with the essay i posted this week about why the oligarchs would spend so much effort to create the apollo moon landing hoax and also the controlled counter narrative. you nailed it! this was one of many cuts, albeit an important big one, to displace god with god's creation or the creations of god's creation, even better! i wrote as a subject line to the closing section of my essay, for example: 'Displacing Mythological Truth With The Lie: One Giant Step Towards Man Displacing God As A Knife to Kill the Heart'. your point to displace god to allow for the displacement of the authority behind the constitution is a grounded version of that. and i'm in the process of re-editing the post to incorporate your vcast as a synchronicity within my essay. which is already flush with incredible synchronicities.

also in my essay: quotation:

As I thought about this, I wondered: ‘How is that authoritarian demand for compliance to manufactured truth any different from communist/fascist social/government structures that likewise demand obeisance to false truths?’ And with big lies held as true, I now understand more profoundly why things like the unthinking ideologies of woke-left and/or woke-right propagate so easily: our culture is already living them in our modern man-made myths. God is dead! God bless the moon-landing because truth is our tool so bend the knee and kiss the mooning emperor’s hairy ass because there you will find meaning in the arbitrarily assigned moral and ethical truths being squeezed out. (Masks mandatory and nose-plugs optional, although recommended.)

end quotation.

i appreciated very much your, j&p's, perspicuity here. excellent!

all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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The video i saw, did not have the alien part. i suspect the aliens they are prepping us are from biblical texts. they are pushing religion big time.

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well done! yep. controlled opposition. I sent this out too, with some comments about how Reuters withdrew true stories and was compromised, and AI, is in no way trustworthy. 2 wings of the same bird. walking eagle- full of shit.

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thank you dukes!

this was fun/funny to watch.

everything he said to watch for is what the msm relies on!

also, the use of never is to make the target special.

isn't his whole spiel a form of narcissistic gaslighting?

i really appreciated your commentary. for some reason your point about the music really resonated with me! thank you for using a psyop anti-psyop psyop to highlight some of the psyop tecniques. (and really, he has very accurately described the msm for the last 40 years at least.)

all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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You have a great presentation here and good training/ advice. You mentioned that pilots are trained to use instruments to fly rather than use intuition. That's fair. Personally I can say I've a pretty good instinct for BS artists and my intuition has served me well thus far.

Are you aware of the Erubus disaster? Air NZ flew a sightseeing DC 10 into Mt Erubus Antarctica killing all aboard in 79, the worst disaster in little NZs history. The pilot was blamed but the truth was that the coordinates were changed for the flight path and due to no visibility/white out the air crew were flying by instruments, tragically straight into the side of a mountain. the world stood still for us down here in NZ that day. I remember it well.

If you're interested tou can find it on YouTube.

It was scandalous. Govt in collaboration with Air NZ tried to wash their hands of it.

Thanks for your work.

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I've read about it. DC-10s had more than their share of problems and were moved from passengers to freight because people didn't trust them. That said, I wonder WHO was on the plane might have been inconvenient to the oligarchy or an intelligence operation? E.g. There were more than a few convenient people that died on the Titanic who were opposed to the Federal Reserve Bank. Killing innocents can sell an assassination as an accident. Ships, airplanes and islands (like NZ) are often preferred because they are remote and confined (if a thallasocratic mindset is assumed). Or it could be pilot error. I don't know. JFK Jr.s death was blamed on his lack of "instrument experience" right after he announced he was going to run against Hillary Clinton too.

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Space aliens are the last resort of dying empires to create a diversionary excuse to take the monkey of responsibility off their backs. They’re going to spin some good yarns. And, incredibly many will buy it.

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I'am terrified of the .50 cal hang'n up in the background

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It strikes me as odd that you would say people don't have intuition - they're just unconsciously picking up on the signals that you are trained to consciously recognize. That is, at least partly, what intuition IS. It's an unconscious awareness that (often) elicits a physical sensation to make us consciously aware of danger, deception etc. because sometimes our conscious mind is busy "thinking" and misses the clues.

Did I misunderstand what you meant?

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I don't know, it sounds like we are in violent agreement

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what i see, nothing invested except intelligence, it a two part combo, stalking and land mine system of VOC liquid to air or just the toxic gas without a liquid transformation into tiny miniscule particles that float, Public buildings being rigged to canister gas, benzenes etc industrial solvent, tetaethylene, nasty gasses, allowing vicks to name what is happening, while keeping in the background as resupply chains, and the land miners;, covid all that is a land grab, human trafficking to kookoo land, cancer, psyop etc and all that. they use smoke smell odors in winter, bbq smell in summer, and dryer fluffy perfumes spring and fall, most public releases get odorized to cover up the hydrocarbon oxygen robbing rape of the VOC contact, inhalation, skin. These are committed lunies on a mission from the gods of the hell realms.

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I'd like to know what you're saying, but I don't think that even GPT knows the jargon… How about helping us out?

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well covid, is chlorohydrocarbonic poisoning, when one checks chat GBT there is no connection between germ and terrain theory, one is one thing, the other the other, some maybe. So what is happening is the spray house operations, grafted rigged houses that run out a mixture of chlorophenyl (the activator) and benzenes etc, the base as it were, liquid VOC, O as in organic. so the whole of the flu virus is a terrain occupation of spray houses. Same ptech software, fairly original source code, on every deepstate system. So they've, the 911 israelies etc, deepstate, cartel like structures buying up property, parcels, HVAC contrator infiltration in order to load people up with hydrocarbon to point of cancers, lymphomas, pneumonias, blood and neural disorders, A torture skinner box reality imposed from without as narrative stuffing down the throat or the deliriated accepting it as normal.

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