An interesting read but the willingness to label this as all the work of 'the British', a handy euphemism for those really in control of England and later the British Empire, somewhat undermines the piece. Most British in fact are simply unaware of any of this most of which of the narrative I share.

The financial oligarchies long planned takeover of England first in 1688, later Britain was financed and controlled by people who were not British and have no allegiance to Britain, England as was.

Rothschild took control of England after Waterloo, after his 'coup' on the financial exchange and the financial oligarchy were able to do the same in the rest of Europe and have been running things ever since.

They see themselves as Jews even though they have no connection to the ancient Hebrew's but they are not British. They're links go back to old Germany and many to the ancient kingdom of Khazaria, Poland and Easter Europe.

Arguably they are the Synagogue of Satan - those who say they are Jews but are not. They were willing to sacrifice 'ordinary Jews' to facilitate their plan to get Jews to move to Israel in the 30's and 40's so a differentiation should be made between them and ordinary Jews.

This is an important part of their plan because this group see themselves as pushing the messianic ideas of Tzevi and the creation of the 3rd Temple before the coming of 'their' messiah. Its interesting that this group mostly Chabad have controlling interests in Trump, Putin and Netanyahu.

They could be the group currently pushing for war, but the point is this group are NOT British. They control Britain but to keep pushing this idea of its 'the British' is in my view somewhat disingenuous especially using this a label to avoid acknowledging their own Jewish heritage as they see it.

This group while openly operating either through RIIA, CFR, Pilgrim's or any other the groups described by Quigley always see themselves as internationalist and the financial elite have no allegiance to any country even Israel and certainly not Britain.

There does seem a strand of alt media that deliberately wants to avoid acknowledging this group but will happily label them as something else, British, Pilgrim's, Black Nobility or whatever and I don't know if that is genuine of a deliberate attempt to airbrush who this group really are?

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I find the 'subterfuge' clever and effective because it is rather obvious. It avoids the inevitable shitshow. Duke, this is indeed the finest overall summary yet, short, punchy, easily digested, pertinent.

Duke Report replies: Lord Milner. You see, Milner was not ethnically British. He was from the Other Side.

The key is not to build anything. The low-cost, low-effort efficiency is to take over what others have built...and then use it against them.

To quote the rabbi, giving a speech in 1952:

"To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the white man into weapons against him."

("Secret 1952 CIA paper reveals plan to eliminate White people"


One last thing: yes, they are the "real jews", as the Habiru (we say 'Hebrews'; Egyptian, 'cutthroats from across the river'; Babylonian, 'refugees', an epithet like 'asylum seekers', today) have held this messianic vision of replacing the Aryans since their beginnings as Zagros mountain slaveraiders, mercenaries first hired by Labanayama the Canaanite.

The majority of the Tribes of the Bible were Aryan, but eventually ruled by their supremacist half-breed branch; the Bible itself is esoteric messaging, historical and political propaganda chronicling a race war.

Semitic male over Aryan female was the central theme of Abraham's cult of the Bride Stealers (eventually becoming the state religion of Akkad), that the creme-colored mulatto children of the dark-hued ones might rise from their slums in our mighty cities, as do footballers with white wives today send their offspring to white-built colleges to become mayors, councilmen, politicians, and eventurally push the whites out of the the cities they build.

Dzumid over Ninil became the Adam ('true human') over Eve; the broken branch claimed to be First in all things, and demanded that the Aryans worship its God as supreme...and even that God was stolen from others!

Thank you, Duke Report, for solving the most vexing question of the Dissident Right:

who is using whom?

Anglo-Saxon Normans, already prone to conquest, heard the siren call;

they created the 'weapon', and the most beneficient Empire the world has ever known, despite its many deceits.

Aryans, imagining they were conquest jews, from a book wherein jews imagined they were conquest Aryans, had its problems.

I see the West as a Horse, as a team of Horses, with its unmentioned Riders.

How does an implacable, permanent minority defeat its much larger, stronger enemies?

By getting them to kill each other.

And how does it do that?

Since they could in no wise match the might of the inventors of metal, the wheel, and the ridden horse, they found another weapon: stories. Storytelling is the operating system of mankind.

Hacking that operating system is war without weapons: culture war, religious war.

Its successes are easy to copy, easy to learn, and attracts all sorts of malign dreamers fired by ambitions of their own. After all, selling desires is what the vice peddlers do, they have done it since they sold women in the temples, amulets and curses in the bazaars, and drug spices and slaves in the markets.

And thank you, Seansaighdeoir for pointing out 1688, the English Civil War, as the first Parliament was then convened in 1694 (that is, the first formal "democracy"). The odious Cromwell brought you-know-who back in after that dupe William of Orange took their loans, allowing the charter of the Bank of England.

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Addendum, note that the 'alcohol sellers' used their profits to take Cecil Rhodes' own country away from him. They maneuvered to gain majority shares in the state corporations, until Cecil found himself with only a 15% interest.

He was edged out of the chairman's seat...in a country named after him!

The British, directed as they were by the City of London, just as our American military was later directed by Baruch and Morganthou, also began committing Old Testament style atrocity, with the first concentration camps in South Africa.

Atrocities repeated in WWI and most especially in WWII. We are made complicit in the murder of our homeland, so that others might take it. (Justified after the fact, of course, with the biggest fraud in history. Stories is their weapon; there is the Knife, and then there is the Hand that holds the knife.)

Eventually, the City's weapons brought down first Rhodesia with Mubage, and then South Africa, bringing that mass-murdering Xhosa Communist Mandela into power.

Rhodesia/South Africa were the test-beds of what is being done now to Europe and North America.

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It’s true that labeling the the current version of Babylonian oligarchs is a challenge, but we might do a journeyman’s job of cleaning out the rat’s nest by starting with The City of London and Wall Street

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'cleaning out the rat’s nest ... The City of London and Wall Street' - on that I fully agree.

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Under the Ottoman Empire pre and post Suez Canal there were railroads built connecting Palestine to Egypt via the Sinai desert and the Hejaz railway connecting Damascus to Mecca (although it was stopped at Medina). So there were no technical barriers. Today I believe there are proposals to build a railway tunnel under the Suez (currently there is a swing bridge) to connect Cairo to the Red Sea coast resorts. There is a railway running down the Nile valley. Connecting further south is a geopolitical and security question - not so much a technical one. Similarly there is no technical reason that a railroad could not connect Damascus to Aden.

The reason the railways failed is due to war and security and not technical issues. No doubt finance was a major factor. The Israelis dismantled the Sinai line during the six day war. The lines in Palestine were both used and targeted during the first and second world wars by various parties.

A major reason for the Sahel conflicts in North Africa is that someone doesn’t want a railroad built from the West coast to East coast of Africa. China and Russia seem keen on the idea, the usual suspects keep starting civil wars to prevent it.

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Correct. "geopolitical and security question" is all manufactured

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Appreciate the insight which you provide, for deeper dive, it is critical to understand the historical role of NATO-Gladio to this day in usurping the U.S.


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I was looking for some material that I could use to convince a blue-pilled relation that their MSM feed views of the world are a distortion. This article is it. Thank you....Zagonostra

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Nailed it Peter. Long nights and days on that one. Well done.🌀

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Yes. You are so correct. Here in Croatia, when I write something about Britain - how can I call this, maybe "ones empire, always empire" - this history, that facts, everything what you and others write about britain plans and influences....they throw mud at me. Here in Croatia USA and Jews are enemies No1....I don't want to say that they are not to blame, I just want to say that when someone in the media publicly tells that the Jews and the USA did this/that and they are to blame for everything .... I know it's time to look the other way. That's why I think what you wrote is more than correct. They are always hiding in their secret rooms of their societies and from there they are working on all of our heads. I also look at your web site, and this books and the way of presentation - also great. Thank you.

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Probably the best and most accurate summary of twentieth-century history I have ever read. Bravo!!

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Lauren Southern may be open to this.. .. .!*÷*!. ..

But Benny Johnson and Tim Pool are closed books.

Best they read your letter now.. won't be allowed in the prison library.

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