The Duke Report
The Duke Report
A History of Power and Darkness
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A History of Power and Darkness

The Canaanite Blueprint

GPT Book Summary


The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins delineates a history rooted in demonic influence, tracing a three-thousand-year-old conspiracy led by descendants of Canaan, cursed by Noah. The curse condemns Canaan’s lineage to lives of moral depravity, violence, and occultism. This lineage, marked by practices of child sacrifice, ritual cannibalism, and idol worship, permeates societies through secret organizations, infiltrating political, financial, and religious institutions to steer humanity away from God’s commandments. This book reveals that what appears as random historical events are in fact orchestrated by a cohesive force dedicated to rebellion against divine law.


📜 The Genesis of Evil: Cain, Canaan, and the Watchers

Humanity’s journey of rebellion begins with Cain, the first son of Adam and Eve, who introduces murder and violence by killing Abel. His descendants embody this defiance against God, leading to the spread of occult practices. Noah’s curse upon Canaan further delineates a bloodline destined for corruption, with Canaan’s descendants forming societies rooted in Satanic worship. Adding to this, the Order of the Watchers, a group of fallen angels led by Samjaza, descends to earth, mingling with human women and creating the Nephilim—giants who introduce warfare, cannibalism, and forbidden knowledge. The Watchers instigate humanity’s corruption, which results in divine retribution through the Great Flood.

🏛️ Babylon and the Foundation of Freemasonry

Nimrod, a mighty descendant of Ham, establishes Babylon as a center for occult practices. He builds the Tower of Babel, symbolizing humanity’s first organized challenge to God’s authority. Babylon becomes the birthplace of Freemasonry, a secret society founded upon rituals and symbolism that perpetuate Nimrod’s rebellion. Freemasonry, which survives across millennia, spreads Satanic doctrines under the guise of fraternity and philanthropy, influencing governments, economies, and cultural institutions worldwide. Through its hierarchical structure and covert initiation rites, Freemasonry becomes a tool for maintaining Satanic influence over society.

🌍 The Spread of Canaanite Corruption: Egypt, Phoenicia, and Carthage

After the Great Flood, descendants of Ham establish civilizations that perpetuate the curse of Canaan. Egypt, steeped in black magic and idol worship, promotes practices that align with Canaanite values, such as human sacrifice and sorcery. The Phoenicians, rebranded descendants of the Canaanites, extend their influence throughout the Mediterranean, bringing with them the worship of Ashtoreth and establishing Carthage as a major center for Baal worship. In Carthage, rituals of child sacrifice and cannibalism exemplify the depravity that defines Canaanite societies. The Romans, recognizing this moral corruption, ultimately destroy Carthage in a decisive effort to eradicate Canaanite influence from the region.

✒️ The Role of the Pharisees and Talmudic Law

The Pharisees, a sect among the ancient Jews, continue the traditions of the Canaanites through religious laws and practices preserved in the Talmud. This body of law diverges from the divine commandments given to Moses and aligns with Canaanite principles. The Pharisees’ influence carries forward these demonic traditions under the guise of religious authority. Their preservation of rituals and customs tied to Canaanite practices positions them as agents within a larger Satanic conspiracy that perpetuates rebellion against divine laws.

📜 The Rise of Secret Societies: Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the Black Nobility

Across centuries, secret societies emerge as extensions of Canaanite influence. The Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776, seeks to establish a secular world order through the overthrow of monarchies and Christian institutions. This organization aligns with Satanic principles, working covertly to promote atheism, secularism, and social disruption. Similarly, the Rosicrucians perpetuate ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mysticism, blending these occult teachings with Christian symbols to conceal their origins. The Black Nobility, Venetian descendants of Canaanites, dominate commerce and finance across Europe, establishing powerful monopolies and spreading Canaanite corruption within economic systems.

🌐 The United Nations and Global Secular Governance

In the modern era, organizations such as the League of Nations and the United Nations serve as instruments of Canaanite influence, advancing a secular, globalist agenda. These institutions centralize power, diminish national sovereignty, and promote ideologies that conflict with Christian teachings. The United Nations, guided by the principles of Canaanite secularism, aims to subvert divine authority, leading nations away from God and toward a centralized system governed by elite groups. This form of governance embodies the long-standing Satanic agenda to replace God’s dominion with secular authority.

📖 Economic Control: The Federal Reserve and the Black Nobility

The Federal Reserve is established as a critical component in the global manipulation of economies by the Black Nobility. As descendants of the Canaanites, the Venetians—who later control significant European and American financial institutions—use their economic power to dominate nations, ensuring that wealth is concentrated among elite families aligned with Canaanite principles. The Federal Reserve, according to the text, operates not as a public institution but as a private enterprise that furthers Satanic interests by destabilizing economies and indebting nations.

⚔️ The Struggle Against Satanic Forces: The Christian Resistance

Christian teachings, centered on the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, stand as a direct opposition to the forces of Canaan. Jesus embodies divine law, love, and redemption, offering humanity a path away from Satanic influence. The struggle between good and evil is reflected in the ongoing conflict between those who uphold God’s commandments and the Canaanite-descended societies that seek to undermine them. This resistance forms the basis of a moral obligation for Christians to recognize and confront the conspiracies that threaten divine order.

🔮 The Occult Legacy and Modern Culture

Canaanite practices, once concealed within ancient rituals, persist today in hidden forms through secret societies, media, and political ideologies that promote secularism, materialism, and moral decay. Occult symbols, philosophies, and rituals continue to shape public consciousness, often disguised within popular culture and ideological movements that distance individuals from God. This influence manifests in political movements, financial manipulation, and societal structures that prioritize secular and atheistic values, reflecting the ancient curse that began with Canaan.

💡 Conclusion: Unmasking the Satanic Conspiracy

The Curse of Canaan emphasizes the need for vigilance against the Satanic conspiracies that persist through secret societies, religious corruption, and political manipulation. These forces, rooted in the descendants of Canaan, systematically undermine Christian values and divine law, fostering a world increasingly dominated by secularism and rebellion. The book calls for awareness and action, urging readers to reject the influence of Canaanite forces and return to a moral order centered on God’s commandments. In understanding this demonic legacy, humanity can confront the true source of corruption and seek redemption through faith, thereby breaking free from the ancient curse that continues to shape history.


Q: What is the core purpose of The Curse of Canaan?
The core purpose of The Curse of Canaan is to expose the three-thousand-year history of Satanic conspiracies and demonic influences that have shaped human civilization. The text states that all such conspiracies are inherently Satanic, their goal being the destruction of Christian values and the enslavement of humanity (Page 2).

Q: Who are the key figures behind these conspiracies according to Mullins?
Key figures include Cain and his descendants, who introduced murder and violence as tools for dominance; Nimrod, who founded Babylon and established the practice of genocide; and various occult figures who perpetuated these Satanic traditions. Through the ages, these figures represent an unbroken line of Satanic influence upon humanity (Page 3).

Q: How does Mullins explain the biblical “Curse of Canaan”?
The “Curse of Canaan” is a pivotal moment in history when Noah cursed Canaan, condemning his descendants to lives of sin and corruption. This curse established a lineage of demonic influence that spread across generations, with Canaan’s descendants practicing child sacrifice, occultism, and ritual murder. This legacy, Mullins claims, has influenced significant historical conflicts and social upheavals (Page 9).

Q: What role does Freemasonry play in these conspiracies?
Freemasonry, according to Mullins, is directly tied to Satanic worship and ancient occult practices originating from Nimrod. Freemasons, as descendants of Babylonian rituals, are committed to spreading corruption and perpetuating the worship of Satan. Mullins asserts that Freemasonry influences politics, finance, and religious institutions as part of a concerted effort to undermine Christian civilization (Page 13).

Q: How does the book characterize secular humanism?
Secular humanism is characterized as a modern extension of Satanic influence. Mullins posits that secular humanism deceives people by placing human interests above divine guidance, which he argues is a tactic to lead society away from God. This ideology is linked to Communism and Fabianism as elements of a greater plot to destabilize societies and promote atheism (Page 65).

Q: What is the significance of Canaanite practices in historical conflicts?
Canaanite practices, such as child sacrifice, cannibalism, and idol worship, are described as tools of Satanic corruption that have shaped many of history’s most violent conflicts. Mullins argues that these rituals perpetuate evil across societies, leading to chaos, immorality, and the collapse of civilizations, as seen in the destruction of Carthage and the corruption of Egypt (Pages 107, 143).

Q: How does the author interpret the role of the Nephilim?
The Nephilim, described as giants born from the union of fallen angels and human women, are portrayed as harbingers of violence and depravity. Mullins states that these beings contributed to humanity’s moral decay, introducing cannibalism and warfare. Their legacy persists through secret societies and occult practices, with their descendants wielding significant influence today (Page 11).

Q: Why does Mullins connect modern political ideologies to Satanism?
Modern political ideologies, particularly Communism, are linked to Satanism as deceptive tools designed to control and oppress. Mullins asserts that these ideologies serve Satanic interests by promoting class conflict, atheism, and the destruction of Christian values, which weakens societal structures and aids in humanity’s moral decline (Page 211).

Q: What role does deception play in Satanic conspiracies?
Deception is the primary method by which Satan and his followers control humanity. Mullins emphasizes that Satan’s power lies in lies and hidden conspiracies. Politicians, secret societies, and various ideologies deceive the public to maintain power and perpetuate Satan’s rebellion against God (Page 7).

Q: What are the consequences of ignoring these Satanic conspiracies, according to the author?
Ignoring these conspiracies results in widespread moral decay, societal collapse, and the enslavement of humanity. Mullins warns that failing to recognize and oppose the Satanic influence leads to spiritual corruption and a world governed by demonic forces, as evidenced by current global crises (Page 5).


Noah - Noah, a just and pure man, is chosen by God to survive the Great Flood. As the last pure-blooded Adamite, Noah embodies divine justice and continuity for the righteous. After the Flood, he becomes the judge who condemns Canaan and his descendants, laying down a curse that defines them as inherently corrupt and rebellious against God. This curse is not only an act of divine will but also establishes a spiritual and moral division between Noah’s descendants through Shem and the condemned line of Canaan (Page 9).

Canaan - Canaan, the grandson of Noah, is cursed as a result of the transgressions of his father, Ham. This curse marks Canaan and his descendants as morally degenerate, fated to practice acts of violence, occult rituals, and idol worship. Canaan’s legacy includes the adoption of rituals that encompass demon worship and child sacrifice, which Mullins asserts have perpetuated through history in various secret societies and occult groups. These actions establish the Canaanite line as a perpetual source of corruption within humanity (Page 9).

Cain - Cain, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, represents the primal rebellion against God. He commits the first murder by killing his brother Abel, and his lineage continues this violent legacy. Cain’s bloodline introduces murder, deceit, and occult practices into humanity, marking the start of Satanic influence within human history. Cain’s spirit of rebellion and defiance against God persists in the Canaanite traditions and in all descendants who carry forward his traits (Page 11).

Nimrod - Nimrod, a powerful descendant of Ham, epitomizes the rejection of God’s authority through his establishment of the city of Babylon and his construction of the Tower of Babel. Nimrod becomes the first ruler to exercise dominion over all of humanity, using power as a means of control rather than service. His creation of Babylon as a center of pagan worship and his founding of Freemasonry set the foundation for Satanic rites and conspiracies. His name is synonymous with occultism, genocide, and the earliest manifestation of systematic rebellion against God’s will (Page 12).

Shem - Shem, the son of Noah, represents the moral and spiritual legacy of Adam through his opposition to Canaanite corruption. Shem stands as the principal defender of God’s laws against the Canaanites, taking up the responsibility to maintain purity and righteousness. His descendants uphold the values of the Adamite line, and he personally takes action to combat Nimrod’s influence. Through his descendants, Shem is credited with founding several great civilizations that uphold divine values and resist the infiltration of occult practices (Page 13).

Ham - Ham, son of Noah, transgresses against divine command by consorting with a pre-Adamic woman during the time on the Ark. His actions introduce a darker lineage, leading to the birth of Cush and Canaan, both of whom inherit this curse. Through his disobedience and immorality, Ham is responsible for bringing forth a line that will perpetuate Satanic practices. His descendants, including the Egyptians and other ancient peoples, become associated with black magic, occultism, and moral degeneration, perpetuating this cursed legacy (Page 9).

Ezra Pound - Ezra Pound, the famed American poet, serves as a mentor and influential figure for Mullins. His guidance inspires Mullins to delve deeply into the hidden forces that shape history, especially the role of financial and political elites. Pound’s teachings reinforce the belief in a centuries-long conspiracy by certain groups to dominate society through deception and economic manipulation. His influence is instrumental in shaping the framework of Mullins’s investigation into conspiracies (Page 2).

Lilith - Lilith is described as a demonic figure, the first wife of Adam who rebelled against him. She is characterized by her association with vampirism, lesbianism, and a legacy of destructive sexuality. Lilith’s refusal to submit to Adam introduces a lineage of demonic offspring and occult influence, marking her as the mother of demons. She stands as the embodiment of unrestrained sensuality and rebellion against divine order, and her influence permeates various occult traditions, which regard her as a symbol of feminine defiance and power (Page 7).

Asmodeus - Asmodeus, known as the King of Demons, ranks highly within the hierarchy of Satanic forces. As the demonic consort of Lilith, he wields significant influence over occult practices, symbolizing the powerful malevolence that opposes God’s will. Asmodeus’s role in demonology places him as a prominent figure who inspires and empowers secret societies in their rituals. His dominion over occult practices cements his status as a force for promoting Satanic values across generations (Page 7).

Martin Luther King Jr. - Martin Luther King Jr. is cited as having metaphorically “been to the mountaintop.” This statement suggests a figurative pact with influential forces and aligns him with political agendas that, according to Mullins, divert humanity from God’s intended path. King’s symbolic “mountaintop” is interpreted as a moment of engagement with powers that shape political ideologies in covert ways, signifying a connection to the secular influence over religious values (Page 3).

Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ is identified as the ultimate defender of divine law and the savior of humanity. Through his teachings, sacrifice, and resurrection, Jesus provides a way for humanity to resist the influence of Satan. His life and death symbolize the ultimate victory of good over evil, presenting a clear contrast to the Satanic conspiracies perpetuated by the descendants of Cain and Canaan. Jesus’s teachings form the foundation for the Christian resistance against occult forces (Page 5).

Moses - Moses is the divinely chosen leader who leads the Israelites out of Egypt, away from the Canaanite practices of demon worship and idol sacrifice. By guiding the Israelites, Moses exemplifies obedience to God’s commandments and represents the power of divine authority over demonic influence. His legacy is one of liberation from Canaanite corruption, establishing laws that serve as a bulwark against occult practices (Page 17).


Freemasonry - Freemasonry, founded by Nimrod in ancient Babylon, is presented as a powerful secret society that perpetuates Satanic rituals and demonic worship. Mullins asserts that Freemasonry has infiltrated governments, financial institutions, and cultural organizations, using its influence to steer societies away from Christian values. Through its hierarchical structure and secretive rites, Freemasonry preserves the ancient practices of demon worship, child sacrifice, and ritual cannibalism, serving as a conduit for Canaanite corruption throughout the centuries (Page 12).

The Order of the Watchers - The Order of the Watchers, a group of two hundred fallen angels led by Samjaza (or Satan), is credited with descending onto Mount Carmel to take human wives, producing the Nephilim, a race of giants who embody violence and depravity. The Watchers introduce forbidden knowledge to humanity, such as the use of magic and occultism. This Order’s influence is described as the origin of demonic societies that operate covertly to undermine moral values and lead humanity away from God (Page 6).

The Cult of Baal - The Cult of Baal, the central religious institution of the Canaanites, worships Baal through obscene and violent rituals. This cult practices child sacrifice, cannibalism, and orgiastic ceremonies, claiming the lives of innocent children as offerings to their demon god. The Cult of Baal spreads these practices across civilizations, from ancient Canaan to Egypt and Carthage, poisoning each society with its depravity. This cult serves as a foundational element in Satanic influence over humanity, which Mullins argues persists in modern occult circles and secret societies (Page 20).

The Daughters of Lilith - The Daughters of Lilith, named after the demoness Lilith, are associated with women’s organizations that promote rebellion against traditional roles and morality. Mullins describes this group as dedicated to fostering demonic values, particularly through lesbianism and sexual liberation, symbolizing Lilith’s defiance against God. These groups are seen as part of a larger Satanic agenda to disrupt social norms and propagate values contrary to Christian teachings (Page 7).

The Gnostics - The Gnostics, or the “Knowing Ones,” are heirs to the secret knowledge preserved by the priests of Nimrod after his execution by Shem. Following Nimrod’s death, his priests continued their occult practices in hidden groves and underground shrines, where they established the roots of Gnosticism. Mullins describes the Gnostics as committed to carrying on Nimrod’s work through secret rites that defy divine laws, upholding the Satanic legacy within a structure that promotes rebellion against God (Page 13).

The Venetians (or Black Nobility) - The Venetians, also known as the Black Nobility, are identified as descendants of the Canaanites who later adopt commerce and banking as their means of control. By spreading across Europe, the Venetians establish monopolies on essential goods, such as tin and purple dye, and infiltrate financial systems, including the Federal Reserve. Mullins claims that the Venetians perpetuate the Canaanite legacy by wielding economic power to manipulate nations and spread corruption, serving as the hidden hand behind global finance and political upheavals (Page 195).

Phoenicians - The Phoenicians, a rebranding of the Canaanites after 1200 B.C., expand the reach of Canaanite demonic worship by establishing colonies throughout the Mediterranean. Under this new identity, they promote Ashtoreth worship through temples and introduce occult rites to their colonies, including Carthage. By aligning their economic power with religious influence, the Phoenicians perpetuate the practices of Baal and Ashtoreth, corrupting societies with materialism and demonic worship (Page 21).

The Pharisees - The Pharisees, one of the primary political parties among the Canaanites, implement laws and customs that diverge from God’s commandments, embedding Canaanite practices into Jewish tradition. Mullins views the Pharisees as preservers of Canaanite rituals and as a significant force within the larger Satanic conspiracy, functioning to uphold occult traditions under a guise of religious authority (Page 19).

League of Nations and United Nations - The League of Nations and its successor, the United Nations, are characterized as part of a modern continuation of the Canaanite agenda to centralize power and promote secular governance over divine authority. Mullins argues that these organizations exist to establish control over nations and undermine Christian values, extending Canaanite influence through global politics and diplomacy. They are seen as mechanisms to advance Satanic principles and diminish national sovereignty (Page 18).


Mount Carmel - Mount Carmel is the site where Samjaza and the Order of the Watchers descended, taking human wives and creating the Nephilim. This mountain becomes the origin point for demonic influence on earth, marking the beginning of the spread of occult knowledge through humanity. This event on Mount Carmel establishes a lineage of giants who perpetuate violence and rebellion against God, laying the groundwork for the Satanic conspiracies that follow (Page 6).

Babylon - Babylon, founded by Nimrod, is a principal city of corruption and Satanic worship. Babylon becomes a center for occult practices, including the worship of Baal, human sacrifice, and Freemasonry. Nimrod’s Babylon represents the first organized effort to unify humanity under Satanic principles, spreading influence through architecture and rituals such as the Tower of Babel, which challenges God’s authority (Page 12).

Egypt - Egypt, established by descendants of Ham, serves as one of the earliest civilizations deeply affected by Canaanite influence. Through their worship of Baal and Ashtoreth, the Egyptians adopt rituals that include human sacrifice, black magic, and the deification of kings. Egypt becomes a hub for occult knowledge that is later disseminated through its influence over other cultures and dynasties, furthering the reach of Canaanite corruption (Page 13).

Canaan - Canaan, the land named after Canaan, Noah’s cursed grandson, becomes a base for the development of demonic worship, child sacrifice, and the occult. The practices originating in Canaan spread through its people, influencing surrounding nations. This region remains a source of depravity, with the Canaanites’ influence reaching as far as Carthage and Egypt. God commands the descendants of Shem to drive out the Canaanites to prevent their immoral customs from infiltrating society (Page 10).

Carthage - Carthage, a Phoenician colony on the North African coast, is founded by the descendants of Canaan and becomes a significant outpost for the worship of Baal and Ashtoreth. Carthage adopts the Canaanite practices of child sacrifice and cannibalism, spreading these rites throughout the Mediterranean. This city stands as a powerful symbol of Canaanite influence until its eventual destruction by the Romans, who seek to eradicate its moral corruption (Page 21).

Jerusalem - Jerusalem, a city built by descendants of Shem, becomes a central location for the struggle between the forces of God and the Canaanite corruption. Known as a holy city, Jerusalem is chosen as a site for God’s temple, representing the preservation of divine order in opposition to Canaanite rituals and practices. The city symbolizes the spiritual battle against the descendants of Canaan, who persistently attempt to infiltrate and desecrate it (Page 15).

Tarim Basin - The Tarim Basin in present-day China is identified as the actual site of Noah’s Ark and the location where the Great Flood occurred. This area, fed by the Tarim River, becomes the safe haven for Noah and his family, the last pure-blooded Adamites. The Tarim Basin is distinguished from the Near East, which Mullins argues is incorrectly identified as the site of the Flood, correcting historical misconceptions about the Ark’s final resting place (Page 10).

Gezer - Gezer, a city in ancient Canaan, is a stronghold of Baal worship where the Canaanites practice ritual child sacrifice. Archaeological excavations at Gezer reveal high places filled with the remains of sacrificed children, illustrating the extent of Canaanite depravity. The site serves as evidence of the ancient practices that Mullins claims have continued through secret societies into the modern era (Page 20).

Rome - Rome emerges as a major antagonist to Carthaginian and Canaanite influence. Through a series of Punic Wars, Rome ultimately destroys Carthage, sowing salt in the earth to prevent its resurrection. This decisive action represents the Roman rejection of Canaanite corruption. Rome becomes a historical enemy of the Canaanites, a legacy that Mullins states influences anti-Roman sentiment in certain ideologies, which later label Roman values as “fascism” (Page 22).

Tara - Tara, the legendary capital of Ireland, is established by Milesian descendants of Shem who renounce serpent worship. After defeating the Canaanite influence in Ireland, Tara becomes a symbol of moral purity and resistance to the Satanic influence of the Canaanites. The elimination of serpent worship in Tara aligns Ireland with the divine lineage of Shem, making it a land of God-fearing people and free of Canaanite corruption (Page 23).


Approximately 4000 B.C. - Cain, son of Adam and Eve, commits the first murder, killing his brother Abel. This act establishes the bloodline of violence and rebellion, marking the beginning of Satanic influence in human history. Cain’s lineage perpetuates this legacy, leading to the establishment of occult practices and secret societies (Page 11).

2348 B.C. - The Great Flood occurs, a divine judgment upon humanity’s corruption by the Nephilim, the offspring of fallen angels and human women. The Flood aims to cleanse the earth of demonic influence, sparing only Noah, the last pure Adamite, and his family. The Ark lands in the Tarim Basin, marking a new beginning for humankind (Page 10).

Post-Flood Era - Noah curses Canaan, son of Ham, after Ham’s transgression. This curse condemns Canaan’s descendants to lives of moral corruption, establishing them as a lineage that will perpetuate occultism, violence, and Satanic rituals, including child sacrifice and Baal worship (Page 9).

Approximately 2200 B.C. - Nimrod founds Babylon and establishes the first empire ruled by occult practices. Nimrod’s construction of the Tower of Babel challenges God, and his leadership spreads Canaanite corruption across his empire. Babylon becomes the central hub of Satanic worship, marking the first organized form of Freemasonry (Page 12).

1500 B.C. - The Canaanites establish a network of fortified cities, including Gezer, in the land of Canaan. These cities become centers for ritual child sacrifice and Baal worship, which continue the legacy of Canaanite depravity. God later commands the Israelites to destroy these cities to prevent the spread of Canaanite influence (Page 20).

1200 B.C. - The Phoenicians, descendants of the Canaanites, emerge as powerful maritime traders. They spread Baal and Ashtoreth worship across the Mediterranean, establishing colonies that practice child sacrifice, including Carthage. Phoenician influence perpetuates the occult practices inherited from Canaan (Page 21).

146 B.C. - Rome destroys Carthage in the Third Punic War, eradicating a major center of Canaanite influence in the Mediterranean. After a decisive victory, Rome sows salt into Carthaginian soil to prevent its revival, symbolizing a rejection of Canaanite corruption (Page 22).

70 A.D. - Jerusalem falls to the Romans, marking the destruction of the Second Temple. Mullins links this event to ongoing struggles between the forces of God, represented by the Israelites, and the Satanic influences that persist through Canaanite practices and Pharisaic traditions (Page 15).

330 A.D. - Constantine the Great establishes Constantinople as the new capital of the Roman Empire, later embracing Christianity and positioning the empire as a defender against occultism. This period marks the consolidation of Christian values and a rejection of Canaanite practices within the empire (Page 16).

1118 A.D. - The Knights Templar are founded as a Christian military order, but they allegedly adopt occult practices during their time in Jerusalem. Mullins argues that the Templars become a powerful force for the spread of Canaanite and Satanic rituals across Europe through their secretive rites and influence (Page 17).

1614 A.D. - The Rosicrucian Manifestos are published in Germany, symbolizing a revival of occult knowledge and Canaanite traditions in Europe. Rosicrucianism perpetuates mystical teachings linked to ancient Babylonian and Egyptian practices, blending them with Christian symbols to mask their Satanic origins (Page 18).

1776 A.D. - Adam Weishaupt founds the Bavarian Illuminati, an organization dedicated to overthrowing monarchies and promoting secularism. The Illuminati draws upon Canaanite principles and aims to undermine Christian values by promoting atheism, rationalism, and global control (Page 18).

1913 A.D. - The Federal Reserve is established in the United States under the control of influential financiers. Mullins identifies this institution as part of the Venetian and Canaanite lineage, using economic power to manipulate global affairs and promote a Satanic agenda (Page 195).

1945 A.D. - The United Nations is founded, succeeding the League of Nations as a global governing body. Mullins claims it serves as a tool for centralizing power, undermining national sovereignty, and promoting secular and Satanic values worldwide, perpetuating Canaanite influence on a global scale (Page 18).


The Holy Bible - The Bible is the foundational text used to establish the origins of Canaanite curses, the genealogies of key figures such as Noah, Canaan, and Nimrod, and the historical basis for the Satanic influences that Mullins identifies throughout the book. Key references include Genesis for the stories of creation, Cain, the Great Flood, and the curse of Canaan (Page references throughout the book).

The Talmud - Mullins references the Talmud as a source for understanding Pharisaic traditions, which he identifies as having been influenced by Canaanite practices. According to Mullins, the Talmud reflects the laws and beliefs that perpetuate Canaanite ideology, particularly within certain rituals and ethical standards (Pages 19, 33).

Encyclopedia Judaica - This encyclopedia is used to substantiate the historical spread of Canaanite influence and the role of various Jewish sects, particularly the Pharisees, in preserving these traditions through religious and legal practices that Mullins argues are contrary to divine law (Page 45).

The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries by Charles William Heckethorn - Heckethorn’s work is cited to provide background on the role of secret societies, particularly the Freemasons and the Illuminati, in continuing the ancient Canaanite legacy. Mullins uses this source to connect historical occult practices with modern organizations (Pages 100, 177).

The History of Magic by Éliphas Lévi - Lévi’s book serves as a reference on occult practices, illustrating the lineage of Satanic worship through various forms of magic and ritual that trace back to Canaanite and Babylonian traditions. Mullins leverages this work to support his claims regarding the continuity of demonic worship (Page 150).

Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike - This text by Pike, a prominent Masonic scholar, is used to provide insight into Masonic beliefs and rituals, which Mullins links to Babylonian and Canaanite origins. Mullins cites this source to highlight the use of Masonic teachings as a tool for Satanic influence within society (Page 200).

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Although widely discredited, Mullins includes this text as evidence of a conspiracy that aligns with his views on Canaanite and Satanic influence within global power structures. He cites it to argue that certain groups work covertly to dominate world affairs (Page 250).

The Rosicrucian Enlightenment by Frances A. Yates - Yates’s book is used to discuss the influence of the Rosicrucians and their role in perpetuating occult knowledge within European society. Mullins references this to connect the Rosicrucians to the Canaanite legacy through their practices of esoteric and mystical rites (Page 210).

The Golden Bough by Sir James Frazer - Frazer’s comprehensive work on comparative religion and mythology is cited to illustrate the prevalence of rituals, including sacrificial rites, which Mullins attributes to Canaanite influence. This source underpins Mullins’s claim that ancient practices of human sacrifice and fertility rites continue in secret societies (Page 198).

Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley - Quigley’s work is referenced to examine the control of financial and political institutions by elite groups. Mullins utilizes this source to support his assertions about global manipulation by Canaanite-influenced powers, particularly through economic systems and secret alliances (Page 195).

The International Jew by Henry Ford - Ford’s publication is cited as an examination of the influence of Jewish financiers within global markets. Mullins includes this source to argue for the presence of Canaanite-descended figures within powerful banking institutions that control world economies (Page 180).


Adamites - The descendants of Adam, seen as pure and faithful to God’s commandments. The Adamites embody divine creation before the corruption introduced by the descendants of Cain and Canaan. Their lineage represents a legacy of righteousness that stands in contrast to the demonic influence of the Canaanites (Page 10).

Ashtoreth - A goddess worshipped by the Canaanites and Phoenicians, Ashtoreth is associated with fertility, sexuality, and war. Her cult, which includes ritual prostitution and idol worship, is marked by its opposition to God’s laws. Worship of Ashtoreth contributes to the moral and spiritual decay perpetuated by the descendants of Canaan (Page 21).

Baal - The principal deity of the Canaanites, Baal is worshipped through sacrifices, including child sacrifices. Baal worship is identified as one of the core components of Canaanite corruption, leading societies away from God and towards Satanic practices. The cult of Baal represents the organized rebellion against divine authority (Page 20).

Cainites - The descendants of Cain, who introduced murder and rebellion against God. The Cainites embody the first human lineage to embrace Satanic practices, spreading violence, occultism, and defiance against divine laws. This lineage persists through various historical and modern groups that Mullins associates with Satanic influence (Page 11).

Canaanites - The descendants of Canaan, cursed by Noah to lives of corruption and depravity. Canaanites are depicted as carriers of demonic influence, engaging in practices like child sacrifice, idol worship, and occult rituals. Their influence is traced through secret societies and is seen as an ongoing source of moral degradation in the world (Page 9).

Freemasonry - An international secret society that, according to Mullins, originates from the Babylonian mystery schools established by Nimrod. Freemasonry is portrayed as an extension of Canaanite practices, using rites and oaths to perpetuate Satanic worship under the guise of fraternity and philanthropy (Page 12).

Illuminati - A secretive organization founded by Adam Weishaupt with the purpose of overthrowing Christian monarchies and establishing a secular, Satanic order. The Illuminati, rooted in Canaanite philosophy, seeks to control global politics, finance, and media to undermine traditional values and spread Satanic influence (Page 18).

Nephilim - The offspring of the Watchers, fallen angels who mated with human women. The Nephilim are described as giants and a race of evil beings who introduce warfare, cannibalism, and occult practices to humanity. Their existence is marked as a period of immense corruption that necessitated the Great Flood (Page 6).

Order of the Watchers - A group of two hundred fallen angels led by Samjaza who descend onto Mount Carmel to marry human women, producing the Nephilim. The Watchers introduce forbidden knowledge and demonic practices to humanity, becoming the first organized body to propagate Satanic influence on earth (Page 6).

Phoenicians - The maritime descendants of the Canaanites, known for their extensive trade networks and the spread of Ashtoreth worship across the Mediterranean. Under this guise, they establish colonies like Carthage, continuing the legacy of child sacrifice and occult worship inherent to their Canaanite heritage (Page 21).

Samjaza - The leader of the Order of the Watchers and a chief instigator of demonic influence on humanity. Samjaza’s rebellion introduces practices of witchcraft, warfare, and the mingling of divine and human lines, which culminate in the corruption of the human race and the necessity of the Great Flood (Page 6).

Satanic Conspiracy - A continuous and organized effort by various secret societies, descended from the Canaanites, to undermine God’s plan. This conspiracy involves the manipulation of political, financial, and religious systems to promote secularism, moral decay, and rebellion against divine authority. The Satanic Conspiracy is identified as the driving force behind historical and modern social upheavals (Page 2).

Talmud - The body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law that Mullins claims reflects Pharisaic traditions influenced by Canaanite beliefs. The Talmud is described as containing practices and laws that diverge from divine commandments, thus serving as a continuation of Canaanite influence within religious frameworks (Page 19).

Tower of Babel - Constructed under Nimrod’s command, the Tower of Babel symbolizes humanity’s first attempt to establish a centralized Satanic empire. The Tower challenges God’s authority, leading to the division of languages. It represents the origin of organized Freemasonry and the use of architecture and ritual to rebel against divine order (Page 12).

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