Excellent! The occult oligarchy and secret society psyops need to be exposed and rooted out. The Fabians were created to control more the left, and round table Chatham House more the right, however they work hand in glove and centered in the City of London.
I have started to believe that the schooling, that everyone gets, is at the core of what is making us so vulnerable to influence/manipulation. Our schooling seems to end up causing synergy-of-damage kind of situation because we end up falling for a bunch of fallacies, traps.
There is this thing with language that seems to go unnoticed by most, or is deemed as not significant. Languages look to be very 'narrow', specialized tools for interpretating reality designed to describe it from a specific point-of-view/dimension. Each word/term used is an abstraction that conveys a very specific idea and completely skips mentioning anything else about the 'part of reality' that it tried to describe. Economics, poetry and psysics could examples of different 'languages' that can be used to interpret the same part of reality, and end up giving completely different impressions. Yes, one could interpret reality using N different languages concurrently and end up with a truer description of reality, but it will still be like a hierarchy-of-abstractions instead of the insanely detail-rich world we live in and experience. There is a wild difference (in richness of information) between interpretation and experiencing.
Language seems to have a relationship to reality that is analoguous to a stick-figure-drawing and a camera-picture that it was based off of. This is the important bit that we seem to be forgetting and ends up causing cascading issues.
It seems that the schooling we get is deliberately setup so that we end up being maximally 'addicted' to language, to the point where we almost start mistaking words for reality. The silliness goes so far, where people are idenitfying with words, they end up being personally insulted when they hear a true negative stereotype of a word they have identified with. At that point one can use language to predictably arise whatever emotions in people, and get them to act on them.
Even kids seem to get the power of language - they can say the right words and thing appear in their hands (mom brings them things). They figure out usefulness of acting, lying... By the time kids go to school they act like language is the most important thing ever; words/insults by other kids could not have more weight...
And school just makes the situation worse. Schools appear to be setup to get kids even more addicted to language. You have 12+ years of getting trained like a dog that language is all that matters; you are constantly doing tests that evaluate your 'worth', where you have to use the right words in the right order to get a high score.
It seemed that by the time I finished university, I was so disconnected from 'experiencing' reality that trying to meditate seemed weird, awkward; I did not know how to do it. I do not think that I was unique in this at all, in fact the opposite. Perfect victim for marketing, hypnosis, propaganda, divide-n-conquer...
But it is more than that. Most people look to be constantly tripping over their feet, instead of doing the equivalent of piruettes when trying to communicate. People are so busy trying to cope with their communication fails, that they have not even noticed that almost everyone else is like that as well. Constant communication fails end up having wild secondary-effects on interactions with poeple in the streets, at office, at home... I feel that very often we up thinking of others as mean instead of just miserable at expressing themselves.
I hope I conveyed the contrast between interpretation and experiencing and its significance.
For completeness I think it is important to mention that language is indeed really useful for collaboration and valuable; what separates us from other animals. One can invent an internally consistent, precise language like maths, and end up discovering scientific-method and creating technology, cars, and achieve real progress, but do not act like reality is made out of words... Physics is a teoretical model that is really useful for predicting reality, but in reality an 'electron' is not a dot in an orbit... I guess getting a good grasp on differences between simulation and emulation could also help with useful analogies...
The lack of rhethoric training that we get in school seems to be the most ironic; we are made addicted to language without acutally being thought how to wield it proficiently. Very few people end up going to debate-class where they iron out their common mistakes when making arguments, or sharpen active-listening when its the other side's turn to speak.
Can this be Interpreted from a secular perspective (logos without the divine) and the sermon on the mount as a textual morality tale and viewing the triadic “birth/death/resurrurection” as a metaphor for allowing new ideas to replace the old when new information comes to light?
There is a school of biblical scholarship that interprets the New Testament as epistemological warfare by Roman elites against Judaism. Obviously that in itself could be viewed as an epistemological attack on Christianity…
I think the entire point of John 1:1 is Λόγος IS divine, observable, and omnipresent. That takes divinity out of the realm of a mystery and places it smack dab in the middle of reality. It is present in this comment thread.
You can get more granular (I have) and just stick to witness gospels to attempt to mitigate Roman/Gnostic epistemological usurpation. I'm about to publish something on that track.
This is brilliant, thankyou Peter!
Excellent! The occult oligarchy and secret society psyops need to be exposed and rooted out. The Fabians were created to control more the left, and round table Chatham House more the right, however they work hand in glove and centered in the City of London.
I have started to believe that the schooling, that everyone gets, is at the core of what is making us so vulnerable to influence/manipulation. Our schooling seems to end up causing synergy-of-damage kind of situation because we end up falling for a bunch of fallacies, traps.
There is this thing with language that seems to go unnoticed by most, or is deemed as not significant. Languages look to be very 'narrow', specialized tools for interpretating reality designed to describe it from a specific point-of-view/dimension. Each word/term used is an abstraction that conveys a very specific idea and completely skips mentioning anything else about the 'part of reality' that it tried to describe. Economics, poetry and psysics could examples of different 'languages' that can be used to interpret the same part of reality, and end up giving completely different impressions. Yes, one could interpret reality using N different languages concurrently and end up with a truer description of reality, but it will still be like a hierarchy-of-abstractions instead of the insanely detail-rich world we live in and experience. There is a wild difference (in richness of information) between interpretation and experiencing.
Language seems to have a relationship to reality that is analoguous to a stick-figure-drawing and a camera-picture that it was based off of. This is the important bit that we seem to be forgetting and ends up causing cascading issues.
It seems that the schooling we get is deliberately setup so that we end up being maximally 'addicted' to language, to the point where we almost start mistaking words for reality. The silliness goes so far, where people are idenitfying with words, they end up being personally insulted when they hear a true negative stereotype of a word they have identified with. At that point one can use language to predictably arise whatever emotions in people, and get them to act on them.
Even kids seem to get the power of language - they can say the right words and thing appear in their hands (mom brings them things). They figure out usefulness of acting, lying... By the time kids go to school they act like language is the most important thing ever; words/insults by other kids could not have more weight...
And school just makes the situation worse. Schools appear to be setup to get kids even more addicted to language. You have 12+ years of getting trained like a dog that language is all that matters; you are constantly doing tests that evaluate your 'worth', where you have to use the right words in the right order to get a high score.
It seemed that by the time I finished university, I was so disconnected from 'experiencing' reality that trying to meditate seemed weird, awkward; I did not know how to do it. I do not think that I was unique in this at all, in fact the opposite. Perfect victim for marketing, hypnosis, propaganda, divide-n-conquer...
But it is more than that. Most people look to be constantly tripping over their feet, instead of doing the equivalent of piruettes when trying to communicate. People are so busy trying to cope with their communication fails, that they have not even noticed that almost everyone else is like that as well. Constant communication fails end up having wild secondary-effects on interactions with poeple in the streets, at office, at home... I feel that very often we up thinking of others as mean instead of just miserable at expressing themselves.
I hope I conveyed the contrast between interpretation and experiencing and its significance.
For completeness I think it is important to mention that language is indeed really useful for collaboration and valuable; what separates us from other animals. One can invent an internally consistent, precise language like maths, and end up discovering scientific-method and creating technology, cars, and achieve real progress, but do not act like reality is made out of words... Physics is a teoretical model that is really useful for predicting reality, but in reality an 'electron' is not a dot in an orbit... I guess getting a good grasp on differences between simulation and emulation could also help with useful analogies...
The lack of rhethoric training that we get in school seems to be the most ironic; we are made addicted to language without acutally being thought how to wield it proficiently. Very few people end up going to debate-class where they iron out their common mistakes when making arguments, or sharpen active-listening when its the other side's turn to speak.
I just got a chance to read your piece and I’ve been talking about this for four years. There are several books… https://thedukereport.com/books/dumbing-us-down-25th-anniversary-edition-the-hidden-curriculum-of-compulsory-schooling/
Start with the word "school" (like fish)
Cringing a bit at how I put some of the points, but it seems like maybe the idea should be understandable.
Hope it was interesting. GL
Can this be Interpreted from a secular perspective (logos without the divine) and the sermon on the mount as a textual morality tale and viewing the triadic “birth/death/resurrurection” as a metaphor for allowing new ideas to replace the old when new information comes to light?
There is a school of biblical scholarship that interprets the New Testament as epistemological warfare by Roman elites against Judaism. Obviously that in itself could be viewed as an epistemological attack on Christianity…
I think the entire point of John 1:1 is Λόγος IS divine, observable, and omnipresent. That takes divinity out of the realm of a mystery and places it smack dab in the middle of reality. It is present in this comment thread.
You can get more granular (I have) and just stick to witness gospels to attempt to mitigate Roman/Gnostic epistemological usurpation. I'm about to publish something on that track.