So much better than trying to wade through the works of Rudoph Steiner and his predecessor Emanuel Swedenborg.

Or trying to figure out the Lutheran thing. Who are the players and what's their game..?? Mormonism as a spin-off

Just making an overlay of this GPT summary with the theology in 1995's "The Prophecy" is daunting

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Get GPT to do it

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Your question about the ties between Lutherans, Mormons, and Neo-Theosophists is apt.


If you study the Great Awakenings (far left in the graph), you see a progression of Christian splinter groups veering further and further from anything recognizable as the Catholic Church. Is this a morphing into a theosophical transhumanist religion with castes underneath the "alien" overlords (ruling psychopaths)? Yeah, probably.

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Added to my British plandemonium graph:


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