Aug 10Liked by The Duke Report

As per Ron Paul on Trump shooting: "We will never know what happened."

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The lede on this comment is a cause-effect complex equivalence—or, as I have rebranded it, an "if/then=because."

This is a linguistic fallacy, as evidenced below. I took a few moments to review the linked references, and they appear to differ from Corbett in that he reports on both what people say and what they have done. I'm disinterested in the anonymous quotes and other counter-intelligence nonsense.

Here are 14 reframes to the statement "Corbett lives in Japan, and that limits his understanding of events in the U.S.":

1. Reality Strategy: "Living in Japan might actually give Corbett a unique and less biased perspective on U.S. events, allowing him to see things from a global viewpoint."

2. Redefine: "It's not that living in Japan limits his understanding; it broadens his perspective by exposing him to international viewpoints that are often overlooked in the U.S."

3. Counterexample: "Many experts who live outside the U.S. have a deep understanding of U.S. events. For example, foreign correspondents often provide some of the most insightful analysis."

4. Chunk Down: "What specific aspects of U.S. events do you believe Corbett doesn't understand because he lives in Japan?"

5. Chunk Up: "Isn't it more important to evaluate someone's understanding based on their research and sources rather than their location?"

6. Intent: "Perhaps the intent behind living in Japan is to avoid the echo chamber of U.S. media and gain a clearer, more objective view of what's happening."

7. Apply to Self: "If living outside a country limits one's understanding of its events, does that mean people in the U.S. have a limited understanding of events in other countries?"

8. Another Outcome: "Living in Japan might allow Corbett to focus on the larger global implications of U.S. events rather than getting bogged down in domestic noise."

9. Metaphor/Analogy: "It's like saying someone living in a forest can't understand the ecosystem because they're not in the city—the distance might actually provide better clarity."

10. Reframe: "Rather than seeing his location as a limitation, it could be seen as an advantage that helps him avoid the biases prevalent in U.S.-based reporting."

11. Examine Consequences: "If we dismiss opinions based on someone's location, we might miss out on valuable insights from people with diverse experiences."

12. Model of the World: "In today's interconnected world, physical location doesn't limit one's understanding. With access to global information, Corbett can stay informed about U.S. events."

13. Change Frame Size: "Considering the influence of global events on U.S. affairs, living in Japan might actually help Corbett understand the bigger picture."

14. Hierarchy of Criteria: "What’s more important: the location of the person analyzing events, or the accuracy and depth of their analysis?"

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Steve Pieczenek isn't an anonymous source. He actually selected Vladimir Putin to succeed Boris Yeltzin. What Pieczenek says about the January 2021 military coup that took place in the United States--in which he played a role as someone experienced in overthrowing governments--isn't "counter-intelligence nonsense." People in the CIA and the U.S. military carried out the coup; it had nothing to do with countering foreign intelligence.

I don't pay attention to Corbett because he doesn't seem to be aware of the Q phenomenon. I attribute that to the fact that he doesn't live here. He probably wasn't strongly affected--as were millions of Americans--by the stealing of the 2020 elections; the cold-blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt, Roseanne Boyland, Kevin Greeson, Benjamin Phillips, and Brian Sicknik; and the subsequent round-up and imprisonment of over 1,000 patriots. He probably didn't care that the courts were shown to be completely corrupt. He probably didn't care that Alex Jones was driven into bankruptcy. Etc.

I actually like Corbett; I just don't think he gets that President Trump has been leading a worldwide military takedown of the Luciferian Brotherhood. Maybe he hasn't been listening to Jessie Czebotar, Fiona Barnett, Cathy O'Brien, Cali Bergandi, Sue Ford, Tony Rodrigues and Anneke Lucas, and doesn't know anything about the Brotherhood. Maybe he doesn't know that they rape, torture and devour millions of children every year. My remark about him living in Japan was meant to be generous, not condemnatory.

For those who have never heard of Q, here are two entertaining short videos that explain it.

"The Greatest Show on Earth" - https://rumble.com/v3gx680-the-greatest-show-on-earth-2023.html

"Game Over" - https://rumble.com/v4dgeti-game-over-the-level-playing-field.html

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Was almost interesting unitl you got to the part about "Luciferian Brotherhood" ; nearly all secret societies are either fictional or hugely exagerated. Humans never lost that ability to imagine evil demons. We still do not agree on how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

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"I don't pay attention to Corbett because he doesn't seem to be aware of the Q phenomenon."

Please, Please, Please stop following me.

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Aug 11Liked by The Duke Report

I'll think about it.

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Thanks for this. Some thoughts:

Snowdon as controlled opposition too? So much of what we see online makes me think of theatre or pantomime, or perhaps more accurately Japanese puppetry. The book the 'Secret Team's details how it was not so much that political appointees are corrupt, they are, but even they have everything stage managed to fit a desired narrative by alphabet soup team's, teams that have manager's and owners etc. That was the 1960s , now it's virtually impossible to 'know' anything about these topics categorically. Still interesting nonetheless.

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that's why metadata analysis is so important. pattern recognition becomes a key element, with the one caveat that you can't let your confirmation bias color your conclusions. (very hard)

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well, even Assange asked the various media outlets to carefully review the submitted leaked info to allow for censoring any info that might compromise safety or security of ongoing operations. An established figure like Greenwald has much to lose if he printed everything submitted , so it seems likely his lawyer advised him to comply with gov't order, or else. In case one doesn't realize it, there are very few heros out there, very few are not yet compromised in some way.

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As Corbett reports, no one knows how many documents Snowden leaked or what percentage of them have ever been released. Greenwald knows, and if the various numbers are to be believed, it is less than 1% of "leaked" documents.

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There are so many weird anomalies that don't add up. These are just questions as I frankly don't have any idea where these people get that there is some super "Q" man taking control. I found it intriguing that William Binney made statements about the NSA ... "We have it all"? And that these guys were whistleblowers around the time Greenwald was listening to Snowden .


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Steve Pieczenek was a senior CIA psychiatrist involved in deciding which asset would be put in power in every country, and he said publicly that the military and a faction in intelligence carried out a military coup between the 2020 election and January 2021. My guess is it was on January 6, because Trump held up a red folder right before going out to the Elipse to give his speech. I think that red folder contained the Insurrection Act. https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/we-are-in-a-military-coup-cia-officer

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Corbett lives in Japan, and that limits his understanding of events in the U.S.

According to Phil Godlewski, Edward Snowden doesn't exist. He was an actor working for the military Alliance that allowed Trump to secure his win in 2016, aka 200 generals, aka Q. (We are In a Military Coup" Says CIA Officer Involved in Removal of Three U.S. Presidents - https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/we-are-in-a-military-coup-cia-officer)

I think Greenwald is an honest journalist, as evidenced by his leaving The Intercept.

Godlewski (not his real name) claims he's former CIA and the first Anon. Evidence that he was in the CIA is that he pleaded guilty to having sex with a minor. Everyone in the CIA was both MK-Ultraed and compromised by sexual misconduct, no exceptions. (https://www.thedailybeast.com/qanon-conspiracy-theorist-admitted-to-corrupting-minor)

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I concede your point. Well argued.

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I was told there were a group og Generals involved by LBJ's money man who died of a heart attack

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