Hence, no railways connect the heart of the African continent to Euro/Asia with Israel at key strategic location/cut-off.

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Excellent piece! Validates the CCP's strategic imperatives in attempting to creep westward via incrementalism, guile and deception. If the US got out of the empire-business altogether wouldn't be a bad thing, that doesn't resolve the problem with the cannibal savages...

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"cannibal savages" are quickly civilized in one generation. The fact that it has not happened is the tell. It may be an eye-opener if you haven't listened to Palmerston's Zoo. https://open.substack.com/pub/thedukereport/p/palmerstons-zoo-episode-01-solving

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came face to face with this in Hong Kong... all farce... all deception... all lies... my sources--100s of Hongkongers--were telling me CCP had infiltrated 1000s of commie PLA or armed police into the Hong Kong police... if _they_ knew... why wouldn't MI6 know... of course they knew... which begs the next question... if MI6 knew... why didn't they present the evidence, let alone raise the issue... this goes back to the issue of why the UK surrendered Hong Kong to the CCP at all... process was 25 years in the making.... _incrementalism_ ....

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As I said, Palmerston's Zoo is the door to the answer. (It's centuries, not decades in the making). The British East India Company's Agents and Assigns still call the shots. Dope Inc., too. The UK surrendered the appearance because they had a hundred years to capture and or create an oligarchy that they control, ostensibly through the Rothschild controlled Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. Winter Oak and LaRouchpub.com have good resources, too. https://paulcudenec.substack.com/ https://thedukereport.com/books/dope-inc-britains-opium-war-against-the-u-s/ https://thedukereport.com/books/dope-inc-britains-opium-war-against-the-u-s/

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100%… yeah, this came to me after the fact… think of it this way… Hongkongers have Stockholm Syndrome… trying to patiently explain to them how the UK sold them out…. thx for the links!

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I estimate that 99% of the population has Stockholm Syndrome, but that's what 5 centuries of epistemological warfare does to humanity. The good news is we are all born with logos (λόγος), and getting critical thinking back can be as simple as popping a soap bubble. It's just about getting people to learn to ask questions. e.g., all children are born asking "why?"

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yeah, been a very long process to realize that it’s not “entertainment,” connotations of the frivolous, irrelevant, indulgent, dumb… it’s information. narratives. stories. just by turn of perspective you realize we’ve been allowing a tribe of self-loathing nihilists to control narratives across the broad spectrum of the culture…

time to flip the script

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The Opium Wars resulted in two treaties, each expanding the size of Britain’s Hong Kong territory. These treaties were followed by a 99-year lease in 1898 that allowed Britain to control even more land – a lease that ran out in 1997.

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After 99 years, they didn't need a lease.

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Modern physics teaches that things at their smallest degree base apparently consists of discreet individual quanta. Even light, which is perceived as a seamless continuum is composed of individual photons. This is nature, and laws of human life will not deviate for long. To the elite Globalists, the anti-patriotic multi-national corporations and Free Trade ideologues, the world is an economic continuum envisioned as a seamless market. This is a false notion. The world's economy is precisely quantized as individual national units derived from individual national cultures driven by individual praxis. Trade and free exchange does work very efficiently within defined cultural units; but to eliminate separate culture unit individualities is to destroy the entrepreneurial engines of economies. The perceptions of a world-wide market continuum can persist in the absence of base quanta culture units, but that market will ultimately degrade to nothing.

As noted above, the theory of Free Trade had some justification under certain conditions prevailing prior to the Industrial Revolution. Post that event, the theory breaks down, and as the modern historical record demonstrates, “managed trade” through protectionist policies such as tariffs to mitigate replication provides the underpinnings for modern secure economic development. “...it was protectionists that invented American Capitalism. It was under a 40% average tariff that our nation built up for over 150 years. ...it was under protectionism that until 1913 there was no income tax, and no need for it.”1 Trade of valued non-replicable goods is normally desirable, but “free” trade of goods subject to easy replication by competitors will inevitably bring economic displacement and a leveling down to a world-wide mean. Although some undeveloped economies may rise to this mean, all the developed countries would have to severely decline to reach it. Pat Buchanan wrote in his column, “No nation rose to world power on free trade..... Nations rise on economic nationalism; they descend on free trade.” Do free traders ask who will provide the economic engines to the world after the developed economies settle in to torpidity? Can their capital bases be sustained?

As the incessant process commences, it soon becomes evident in our observations with the destruction of the pre-existing capital base of the developed countries. As economist Antal Fekete wrote “Capital accumulation is the result of decades or even centuries of arduous saving by hundreds of millions of individuals that, nevertheless, can be frittered away in a matter of a few years. To rebuild the capital base of society will take a concentrated effort to save for decades to come.” In service to the Globalists, should this capital base be now foolishly destroyed for posterity on the mantra of Free Trade ideology?

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