The summary doesn't include everything in the tapes so please listen. Also, Edward Bellamy "predicted" a lot of this back in 1887, in Looking Backward: 2000 - 1887 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looking_Backward, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described a lot of this in The Gulag Archipelago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gulag_Archipelago.

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What's missing (I'm happy to add them).

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The only thing that comes to mind is they brought European kick ball to our schools to create a common bond between us and them. I'm not a sports fan, but, kick ball is just gay.

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Don't forget, at the end of tape one he says hospitals to be made easily convertible to prisons. We definitely saw that during the scamdemic. Suspect it was implemented in less obvious ways prior to that. 5G also installed within these institutions before elsewhere despite stupid signs in certain departments warning patients they weren't allowed to use their mobile/cell phones there. (At least by 2000... this was common practice).

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Peter, another hit. It reads like my personal history. What we have seen and what is yet to be seen. Let's hope we can wake up enough people soon enough to slow this down.

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There has been an increasing trend in legislation passed by the UK parliament to contain what are known as “Henry VIII” powers which essentially allow the passed legislation to be subsequently altered by whatever Secretary of State responsible without recourse to scrutiny by parliament.

A euthanasia bill is currently being “debated “ here which follows this insidious template. In the Fabian tradition the tortoise always beats the hare by devious means. We are heading for ExStarmerination.

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very good article

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Excellent, valuable summary. Thank-you.

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Dr. Day has a crystal ball

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Nov 28
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There is, as Watergate's "Deep Throat" once said, "Follow the Money." What he didn't say was to keep following it. That's the issue with people who stop at the a) "Jews," b) "Jesuits," c) "Deep State," d) CIA, e) Etc. Like those revealed in the Panama Papers (perhaps an elaborate limited hangout), "shell companies" reveal the method. Most politicians are pre-selected; that is, they are put through an initiation process - before they are allowed to run - that involves some compromise to ensure their fidelity in the future. Matt Gaetz's Attorney General case is the most recent example. Did you listen to the Palmerston's Zoo podcast? The big idea is first to learn to recognize the meta-patterns. The Oligarchs are the people who control the Fortune 500, and that is not necessarily the board members. My guess is that people like Larry Fink, Jamie Diamond, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Rupert Murdoch all have people they report to. We might find out who they are if we got some of those people to a nice little place in the Caribbean named Guantanamo. Of course, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are in the club, but there are others that go back farther in history.

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quick reply , I had a book on the Panama papers but lost it when moving and found out that even though Ireland South gained its independence in 1916 , its still an offshore entity for the British same as Virgin Islands etc , who knew eh ,,, the book had a blue cover I can't remember the til=tle must look it up !

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Thanks Pete there's an interesting post on nano tech and a deep dive into it that seems convincing ive reposted it on here you might want to have a look at its not that long of a post but its very detailed and was punted by Cathrine Austin Fitts by way of David Hughes if I remember correctly , id written of the nano sphere but this has brought the light back onto it , hope all is well enjoy your Saturday night !!

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