The risk is allowing anybody that develops a fan base using empathy as a tool.

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cardiovascular failure is a classical case of plausible deniability for disident oposition. In Spain information has came out about a large network of targetted "physical suppresion", as they put it, to kill apparently unimportant individuals. Radio journalists, middle military officers, blooming politicians, writers and business men were killed for apparently no reason. It is called "Expediente Royuela" and the files they got to get are on line. All in all, around 1500 people were killed by police officers following order of Catalonia General Attorney, Mr. Jose Maria Mena. He is still alive, aged 86. It turns out that this man followed orders of superiors from the Miami masonic lodge.

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Chip Tatum told Ted Gunderson that the CIA "heart attack gun" is actually two odorless tasteless chemical compounds that when consumed, result in a heart attack. They put it in food. At the Church committee hearings, Colby held up a physical gun and told everyone that was the "heart attack gun." #SchoolPlay

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