Making Oregon into 2 states would have made more sense geographically and politically, east and west Oregon are essentially opposites in most ways.
Calif. should probably be multiple states, heck, the whole of the US map was quite crudely chopped up for states. Native peoples here use watersheds and high ridge lines and probably some rivers to delineate lands; while some US state borders are on rivers, the rest is so very arbitrary. What a sordid and bloody history.
I’m wondering whether this is a retrofitting of etymology onto subsequent events? An inverted IF then BECAUSE construct.
The name “California “ predates the US state (obviously the seal doesn’t but could simply be interpreted as coming from people infused with Roman Republic ideals - several other states have similar Roman symbolism in their seals as does the federal government.)
Subsequent events may fit the etymology and no doubt there are nefarious motives for doing so - to create a harmonic imprint of a new world communist Caliphate on US soil.
I think it's a very good question. It also reminds me that "Atlantis", the "Atlantic," "America," "Columbia," the "New World," all have stories that don't really make complete sense. I haven't had time to dig into it, but "liberty," doesn't seem to be a legit Roman goddess either… Is the statue in New York Harbor a castrated Shepherd named Attis.
Reverse syncretism to find the root? It is evident that so many cultures share analogues of mythology. Common root or deliberate seeding of similar ideas to create a universality of thought. Language and ideas. Control of the narrative may go back a long way.
I was reading that Lenin was a linguist who spoke multiple languages who developed his own Aesopian double meanings to avoid censorship. This double speak is very evident in the new world order’s deliberately vague language.
I think the study of linguistics and mythology will yield fruit. Makes me question the classical education of Latin and Greek languages/philosophy/mythology. A classical analogue of the military industrial complex?
yes, our mother-country (california) is a shining example of natural beauty and the dark energies of death ☠️ (corps/corpse) and destruction… going from unity with the landmass of the North American Continent to an independent island, and back and forth between those expressions like the phoenix rising from the ashes of its repeated destruction and rebirth cycles, over the Ages.
You got me curious about the history in Oregon's name, here is Wiki with grains of salt...
Making Oregon into 2 states would have made more sense geographically and politically, east and west Oregon are essentially opposites in most ways.
Calif. should probably be multiple states, heck, the whole of the US map was quite crudely chopped up for states. Native peoples here use watersheds and high ridge lines and probably some rivers to delineate lands; while some US state borders are on rivers, the rest is so very arbitrary. What a sordid and bloody history.
I’m wondering whether this is a retrofitting of etymology onto subsequent events? An inverted IF then BECAUSE construct.
The name “California “ predates the US state (obviously the seal doesn’t but could simply be interpreted as coming from people infused with Roman Republic ideals - several other states have similar Roman symbolism in their seals as does the federal government.)
Subsequent events may fit the etymology and no doubt there are nefarious motives for doing so - to create a harmonic imprint of a new world communist Caliphate on US soil.
I think it's a very good question. It also reminds me that "Atlantis", the "Atlantic," "America," "Columbia," the "New World," all have stories that don't really make complete sense. I haven't had time to dig into it, but "liberty," doesn't seem to be a legit Roman goddess either… Is the statue in New York Harbor a castrated Shepherd named Attis.
Reverse syncretism to find the root? It is evident that so many cultures share analogues of mythology. Common root or deliberate seeding of similar ideas to create a universality of thought. Language and ideas. Control of the narrative may go back a long way.
I was reading that Lenin was a linguist who spoke multiple languages who developed his own Aesopian double meanings to avoid censorship. This double speak is very evident in the new world order’s deliberately vague language.
I think the study of linguistics and mythology will yield fruit. Makes me question the classical education of Latin and Greek languages/philosophy/mythology. A classical analogue of the military industrial complex?
So the guy on the bank is panning for gold and the clean boxes are presumably large sieves?
The hole is grave- sized
The box is a burial casket.
The pan is a symbol?
Minerva with the low forehead. A one third profile would introduce a feminine beauty aesthetic-can't have that.
“Oligarch Cali-phate”?
Now there's a pattern there, right?
yes, our mother-country (california) is a shining example of natural beauty and the dark energies of death ☠️ (corps/corpse) and destruction… going from unity with the landmass of the North American Continent to an independent island, and back and forth between those expressions like the phoenix rising from the ashes of its repeated destruction and rebirth cycles, over the Ages.