In his SubStack post A Course Through Hell, Jasun Horsley found this gem from Alan Watt and I found it so interesting and revealing that I had to get GPT to summarize it!
Jasun’s article is here:
A Course Through Hell by Jasun Horsley is an overview and transcript of a 2007 conversation between Alan Watt, a Scottish-born Canadian conspiracy researcher, and Henrik Palmgren, host of Red Ice Radio. The discussion covers a wide range of topics, including Freemasonry, secret societies, global governance, predictive programming, and social engineering. Watt presents a detailed analysis of historical revolutions, elite control mechanisms, and psychological conditioning used to shape public perception and maintain dominance. The conversation situates contemporary societal developments within a long-term strategy orchestrated by global elites, intelligence agencies, and financial powers.
Origins of Secret Societies and Their Role in Historical Revolutions
Secret societies have played a central role in shaping global history for over 500 years. Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and Rosicrucianism have influenced major revolutions, including the English, American, and French Revolutions. The English Revolution of the 1600s, financed by Amsterdam bankers, marked a critical transition from feudalism to a parliamentary system. Similarly, the American and French Revolutions were influenced by Freemasonic principles, with symbolism and esoteric ideology guiding the restructuring of societies.
The Fabian Society, founded in the 19th century, advocated for gradualist socialism, using elite-controlled strategies to reshape civilization. The Round Table Group, created by Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner, laid the foundation for international policy-making institutions, including the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). These organizations continue to shape global governance behind closed doors.
Karl Marx, Dialectical Materialism, and the Fabrication of Communist Ideology
Karl Marx was a journalist commissioned to write The Communist Manifesto, a work structured to rival religious belief systems by promoting dialectical materialism as an inevitable scientific law of historical progress. Contrary to mainstream interpretations, Marx was not the true originator of communist ideology but rather a figurehead assigned to formalize its philosophy.
Freemasonry was deeply embedded in the Soviet Revolution, with Leon Trotsky acknowledging the role of secret societies in fostering revolutionary movements. Once in power, Stalinist purges eliminated lower-level Freemasons, recognizing their function as temporary tools for upheaval rather than permanent ruling elites. The communist hammer and sickle symbol incorporates Nordic and esoteric elements, referencing Thor’s hammer and the Saturnian scythe, representing force and transformation.
The Promethean Myth, Fire Worship, and Esoteric Symbolism in Global Governance
The Promethean archetype, symbolized in the Rockefeller Center statue, represents intellectual defiance and the pursuit of knowledge as a tool for elite control. In esoteric traditions, Prometheus is equated with Lucifer, the bringer of light, reinforcing the occult foundation of globalist ideologies. The fire-worship theme is present in historical events such as the Great Fire of London (1666), which enabled Freemason and Rosicrucian architect Sir Christopher Wren to implement pre-designed city plans aligned with symbolic and astronomical principles.
The recurring theme of creating order out of chaos is fundamental to secret society strategies, as controlled destruction is used to justify elite-directed rebuilding efforts. This principle applies not only to historical revolutions but also to modern geopolitical shifts, including engineered conflicts and mass migration policies.
The Role of Intelligence Agencies in Global Coordination and Social Engineering
Intelligence agencies such as MI6, the CIA, Mossad, and NATO intelligence networks operate as a unified force at the highest levels, coordinating covert operations, false flag events, and mass surveillance programs. The signing of the United Nations Charter and NATO agreements formalized their integration into a global security apparatus.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) function as elite-controlled policymaking organizations, influencing government, media, and military strategies. High-ranking members operate within closed networks, advancing long-term agendas without public accountability.
Predictive Programming, Psychological Conditioning, and Population Control
Psychological conditioning is a primary tool for elite dominance, applied through education, media, pharmaceuticals, and environmental influences. Predictive programming is used to acclimate populations to future societal changes, such as brain-chip implants, digital surveillance, and AI governance. Movies, television, and literature normalize once-unthinkable ideas, ensuring passive acceptance when they become reality.
Figures such as Bertrand Russell and Aldous Huxley promoted technocratic governance, envisioning a world where decision-making is controlled by experts rather than elected representatives. Arthur Koestler, working under the United Nations, researched chemical pacification methods to suppress public resistance. Jonas Salk, widely credited with developing the polio vaccine, was also involved in eugenics-based population control strategies.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and other United Nations agencies have explored biological interventions to alter human behavior, including proposals from the 1950s to lace water supplies with chemical additives to reduce aggression.
Rockefeller, Mass Migration, and Engineered Social Conflicts
The Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, and Ford Foundation have financed mass migration policies designed to create cultural conflicts that justify expanded state control. These engineered tensions serve as pretexts for the introduction of authoritarian policies, reinforcing the need for global governance.
In a leaked Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) meeting, David Rockefeller described the social upheaval caused by migration as a necessary step toward a controlled society. The dialectical method is used to manage this chaos—conflicts are intentionally created, leading to state-imposed solutions that expand elite power.
Technocratic Utopia and the Ultimate Goal of Elite Governance
The long-term objective of the globalist agenda is the total restructuring of human civilization through scientific management. Artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and behavioral modification are being used to eliminate independent thought and create a population that functions within a controlled system.
The rise of brain-chip implants and AI-driven decision-making reflects a technocratic vision where free will is replaced by programmed responses. Predictive programming in media portrays this transition as inevitable, preparing populations to accept a future where human consciousness is merged with machine intelligence.
The final stage of this transformation is the complete dissolution of individual autonomy, leading to a society where governance is dictated by algorithms and behavioral conditioning. Alan Watt emphasizes that history is not a series of random events but a meticulously planned trajectory orchestrated by those who have long sought control over human evolution.
A Course Through Hell presents a comprehensive analysis of elite-driven societal transformation, tracing the historical roots of secret societies, revolutions, intelligence networks, psychological manipulation, and technocratic governance. The conversation between Alan Watt and Henrik Palmgren exposes the methodical implementation of long-term strategies, revealing how powerful institutions engineer societal change while maintaining the illusion of organic progress.
Q: Who was Alan Watt, and what is his significance in this discussion?
A: Alan Watt was a Scottish-born Canadian conspiracy researcher and radio speaker known for his work in exposing globalist agendas and secret societies. He contributed to discussions on power structures, Freemasonry, and elite control mechanisms. His extensive research, recorded in hundreds of hours of audio, continues to be influential in alternative research circles.
Q: What role did Karl Marx play in the formation of communism?
A: Karl Marx was a journalist who was expelled from Germany and brought to Britain, where he wrote The Communist Manifesto. He was not the main architect of communist ideology but was tasked with formulating dialectical materialism into a structured philosophy. His work was designed to rival religious belief systems by promoting historical progress as an inevitable force.
Q: What connection exists between Freemasonry and major historical revolutions?
A: Freemasonry has been involved in significant historical revolutions for over 500 years. It played a role in financing and directing the English Revolution, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution. Freemasonic literature openly acknowledges its influence in shaping modern governance structures.
Q: How did Oliver Cromwell contribute to the transformation of England?
A: Oliver Cromwell was financed by bankers from Amsterdam who provided the resources for his army. His rise to power marked the transition from a feudal society to an early form of parliamentary democracy, benefiting the nobility rather than the common people.
Q: What is the significance of Prometheus in globalist ideology?
A: Prometheus is a symbolic figure representing rebellion against divine authority. In modern esoteric traditions, he embodies intellect and enlightenment, which are key themes in globalist movements. The Promethean myth connects to figures such as Lucifer, who is similarly depicted as a bringer of knowledge and defiance against traditional structures.
Q: How does Freemasonry influence urban planning and globalist agendas?
A: Freemasonry applies esoteric principles to city planning, using astronomical alignments and symbolic designs. This tradition extends to major metropolitan centers, including London, where Masonic architects such as Sir Christopher Wren played a key role in post-Great Fire reconstruction.
Q: What was the Gunpowder Plot, and how did it benefit the ruling elite?
A: The Gunpowder Plot, associated with Guy Fawkes, provided King James I with a justification to increase military funding. Some accounts suggest that the event was manipulated or staged to consolidate the monarchy’s control over England.
Q: How does historical narrative manipulation shape elite agendas?
A: Historical narratives are often reversed or rewritten to serve elite objectives. The technique of presenting the ending as the beginning is used to create an illusion of predetermined destiny. This method is evident in how esoteric traditions frame history, including the story of Atlantis and its supposed connection to modern geopolitical structures.
Q: How do secret societies maintain control over world affairs?
A: Secret societies operate through hierarchical structures, keeping lower-level members uninformed about higher-level agendas. High-ranking individuals within organizations such as Freemasonry and the Council on Foreign Relations dictate long-term policies, often without public awareness.
Q: What is the connection between H.G. Wells, the Fabian Society, and global governance?
A: H.G. Wells, a member of the Fabian Society, promoted the idea of a scientifically managed society. The society’s stained-glass window depicts leaders shaping the world with hammers, symbolizing their intent to reshape civilization through gradual socialist policies.
Q: What is the esoteric meaning of the hammer and sickle symbol in communism?
A: The hammer represents force and authority, often linked to Thor’s hammer in Norse mythology. The sickle symbolizes time and transition, referencing Saturn (Kronos) as a figure of cyclical destruction and rebirth. Together, they signify the planned demolition of the old order to establish a new system.
Q: How does the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) function in global governance?
A: The CFR operates as an elite policymaking organization with deep ties to government, military, and media institutions. Members influence major decisions without public oversight. Meetings are generally closed to the public, reinforcing the secrecy of their global agenda.
Q: How do global elites manage opposition to their agendas?
A: Controlled opposition is a key strategy used by elites. Apparent enemies or dissenting figures are often part of a dialectical process designed to manufacture public conflicts. This allows the ruling class to guide social change in a predetermined direction.
Q: What role does psychological conditioning play in mass control?
A: Psychological conditioning is implemented through education, media, and entertainment. Predictive programming is used to acclimate the public to future developments, such as brain-chip implants and a scientifically controlled society. Techniques such as mass medication and electromagnetic frequency manipulation further reinforce compliance.
Q: How has scientific advancement been used as a tool for control?
A: Scientific developments in behavioral psychology, genetics, and neuroscience have been weaponized to create a docile, controllable population. Historical figures such as Jonas Salk, who developed the polio vaccine, were associated with eugenics movements that sought to manage population growth.
Q: What is the relationship between Rockefeller-funded organizations and immigration policies?
A: Organizations connected to Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie foundations have financed mass migration movements to engineer societal destabilization. These policies create social conflicts, which are then exploited to justify further government control.
Q: How does predictive programming influence public perception of the future?
A: Predictive programming is used to normalize radical societal changes before they occur. Media representations of brain-chip implants, microchipped populations, and artificial intelligence governance are designed to make these transitions seem inevitable.
Q: What is the ultimate goal of the globalist agenda?
A: The globalist agenda seeks total control over human civilization through scientific management. This includes the elimination of independent decision-making, the merging of human consciousness with artificial intelligence, and the eventual creation of a post-human society.
Alan Watt – A Scottish-born Canadian conspiracy researcher, writer, and radio speaker. His work focused on uncovering the hidden mechanisms of elite control, Freemasonry, and globalist agendas. His interviews and lectures provided extensive analysis of historical events, secret societies, and their influence on world affairs.
Henrik Palmgren – A Swedish broadcaster and founder of Red Ice Radio, a platform known for discussions on alternative history, esoteric subjects, and conspiracy research. He conducted the 2007 interview with Alan Watt, which serves as the basis for this text.
Karl Marx – A German political theorist and journalist who authored The Communist Manifesto. He was expelled from Germany and relocated to Britain, where he was commissioned to write the ideological foundation of communism. His writings were instrumental in shaping dialectical materialism as a pseudo-scientific framework for social transformation.
Friedrich Engels – A German philosopher and political theorist who collaborated with Karl Marx in developing communist ideology. His work contributed to the spread of materialist philosophy and economic theory.
Oliver Cromwell – A military and political leader in 17th-century England. He was financed by Amsterdam-based bankers to overthrow the monarchy and establish a parliamentary system. His actions marked a critical transition from feudalism to early democracy.
William of Orange – A Dutch-born monarch who became King of England, Scotland, and Ireland. His rise to power was backed by banking interests from the Netherlands, which played a crucial role in the formation of England’s financial system.
Francis Bacon – A philosopher and statesman associated with esoteric knowledge and scientific development. His work New Atlantis described a utopian society governed by scientific principles. His writings are linked to Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism.
Thomas More – An English philosopher and statesman who authored Utopia, a work describing an idealized society. His vision paralleled the themes found in Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis, both of which are considered part of esoteric literature.
Prometheus – A mythological figure representing intellect and defiance against divine authority. His story is symbolic of Lucifer and is often referenced in esoteric traditions as a metaphor for elite-controlled enlightenment.
Bertrand Russell – A British aristocrat and philosopher who advocated for a technocratic society where expert rule would replace individual decision-making. His work supported the creation of a scientifically managed civilization.
Sir Christopher Wren – A British architect and high-ranking Freemason who played a major role in the rebuilding of London after the Great Fire of 1666. His designs incorporated Masonic symbolism and were aligned with esoteric principles.
Guy Fawkes – A figure associated with the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. His failed attempt to blow up Parliament was used as a justification for increasing government control. Some interpretations suggest that his involvement was manipulated to serve the ruling elite’s agenda.
Maurice Strong – A Canadian businessman and diplomat with deep connections to Rockefeller interests and the United Nations. He was involved in environmental and global governance initiatives, often operating behind the scenes in high-level policy-making circles.
Aleister Crowley – An occultist and writer known for his role in modern esotericism. He claimed to have received The Book of the Law through supernatural communication. His influence extended into secret societies and intelligence operations.
Joseph Smith – Founder of Mormonism, who claimed to have translated golden tablets under divine guidance. His association with Freemasonry and esoteric traditions is a recurring theme in discussions of his religious movement.
Leon Trotsky – A revolutionary leader and political theorist. He was associated with Freemasonry and documented the influence of secret societies in political movements. His escape from Russia and connections to intelligence agencies suggest deep involvement in elite networks.
H.G. Wells – A British writer and member of the Fabian Society, which advocated for gradual socialist transformation. His works promoted themes of scientific governance and global control.
John Stuart Mill – A philosopher and economist who contributed to early globalist planning. His economic theories supported the establishment of regional unions, including a unified Europe and America.
Alfred Milner – A British statesman and key figure in the Round Table Group, which later became the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). His work laid the foundation for elite-controlled global governance structures.
Hugo Chávez – Former president of Venezuela, whose role in global politics is discussed in the context of controlled opposition. His rise and policies are examined within the broader dialectical strategy of managing opposition to elite agendas.
David Rockefeller – A banking magnate whose foundations financed social engineering projects. He played a central role in supporting mass migration policies as a tool for societal destabilization.
Arthur Koestler – A writer and intellectual who worked with the United Nations on psychological control projects. His research focused on chemical methods of pacification, which align with modern discussions of population management.
Jonas Salk – Developer of the polio vaccine and a proponent of eugenics. His association with population control movements raises questions about the deeper motivations behind medical interventions.
Aldous Huxley – A writer and philosopher who predicted a technologically controlled future in Brave New World. His ideas were integrated into predictive programming, preparing society for brain-chip implants and total surveillance.
Nikola Tesla – An inventor whose work in electromagnetic technology was later adapted for HAARP-style mind control applications. His research in energy transmission and frequency manipulation remains relevant to discussions on mass population control.
Edward Teller – A physicist known as the father of the hydrogen bomb. His contributions to atmospheric manipulation and HAARP-related technologies are linked to efforts in global mind control through electromagnetic frequencies.
Freemasonry – A global secret society with a long history of influence in revolutions, governance, and social engineering. It has been involved in major political transformations, including the English Revolution, American Revolution, and French Revolution. Freemasonic symbolism and rituals have shaped many elite institutions. Lower levels of Freemasonry often serve as a front, while higher degrees operate with knowledge of global control strategies.
The Illuminati – A secretive organization associated with elite control and social engineering. The group is believed to spread misinformation and intrigue to recruit individuals who seek forbidden knowledge. Many historical revolutions and ideological movements contain elements of Illuminati influence.
The Fabian Society – A British socialist organization founded to implement gradualist, elite-driven socialism. Its emblem, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, symbolizes its covert approach to transforming society through infiltration. Members, including H.G. Wells, played a crucial role in promoting scientific governance and controlled social change.
The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) – A British elite policymaking organization, founded as a continuation of Cecil Rhodes’ secret society for global governance. It works closely with the British Crown and financial elites to shape international policies. Its American counterpart is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) – A United States-based think tank that controls government, media, and military policy. It functions as the American branch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and plays a key role in advancing globalist agendas. High-ranking journalists, politicians, and military leaders are members. The CFR influences U.S. foreign and domestic policies without public scrutiny.
The Round Table Group – A secretive organization formed by Cecil Rhodes and Lord Alfred Milner to advance British imperial control and the globalist agenda. It served as the foundation for the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and later influenced organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The United Nations (UN) – A global institution designed to centralize governance and enforce policies of elite control. Programs under the United Nations have promoted population control, psychological conditioning, and medical interventions to shape human behavior. Individuals like Maurice Strong have used the UN as a vehicle for advancing environmental governance and global regulatory frameworks.
The World Health Organization (WHO) – A United Nations agency responsible for global health policy. It has been involved in mass vaccination programs and medical experiments that align with population control initiatives. Documents from the 1950s reveal WHO discussions on using chemical additives in water supplies to reduce aggression and alter human behavior.
The Rockefeller Foundation – A major financier of social engineering projects. It has funded educational reforms, medical research, and mass migration policies designed to reshape society. The foundation has played a key role in promoting global governance through scientific management.
The Carnegie Foundation – An organization that has worked alongside the Rockefeller Foundation to influence education, public policy, and social structures. It has funded studies on psychological conditioning, propaganda, and societal transformation.
The Ford Foundation – A key player in funding radical political movements and social engineering initiatives. It has backed groups that promote mass migration and cultural shifts to advance the globalist agenda of controlled chaos and engineered social change.
The Jesuits – A powerful religious order with deep connections to global politics, intelligence operations, and secret societies. Historical figures such as Guy Fawkes were associated with Jesuit training. The order has been linked to geopolitical maneuvering and social influence strategies.
The Vril Society – A secret society in Nazi Germany that engaged in occult practices and esoteric research. It was associated with Adolf Hitler’s inner circle and explored psychic phenomena, advanced technology, and supernatural communication. The society’s connection to elite power structures and secret knowledge remains a subject of speculation.
The Fabian Window – A stained-glass window in London, depicting Fabian Society members hammering the world into shape. It represents the elite-driven restructuring of civilization through gradualist socialism and scientific governance.
The Rhodes Scholarships – A program established by Cecil Rhodes to recruit and train future world leaders. Scholars are educated at Oxford University and return to their home countries to implement globalist policies. Politicians, bureaucrats, and high-ranking officials worldwide have been Rhodes Scholars, including Bill Clinton.
The Sanhedrin – An ancient Jewish governing body, referenced in relation to occult symbols found in Freemasonry and communism. The title Nasi, meaning “prince” or “head,” connects to esoteric interpretations of leadership and lunar symbolism.
MI6, CIA, Mossad, and NATO Intelligence Networks – The intelligence agencies of major global powers operate collaboratively at the highest levels. These agencies are tied to elite-controlled covert operations, false flag events, and mass surveillance programs designed to shape world affairs. The signing of the United Nations Charter and NATO agreements formalized their integration into a global security apparatus.
The Soviet NKVD (later KGB) – The Soviet Union’s intelligence and secret police. It was known for covert operations, psychological warfare, and political purges. Many of its leaders were Freemasons, and documents suggest that Soviet intelligence had ties to global secret societies and occult traditions.
London, England – A historical and financial center with deep ties to Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and elite planning. The Great Fire of London (1666) led to a complete restructuring of the city under Sir Christopher Wren, a high-ranking Freemason. Many of London’s architectural designs align with esoteric symbolism and Masonic principles. The city has served as a hub for banking elites, intelligence networks, and political revolutions.
Amsterdam, Netherlands – A major financial center that played a crucial role in funding historical revolutions. Bankers from Amsterdam financed Oliver Cromwell’s army, enabling the overthrow of the English monarchy. The city’s banking system laid the foundation for modern global finance.
The Vatican, Rome – The center of Catholic power and Jesuit influence. The Jesuit Order, deeply involved in global politics, intelligence operations, and religious control, has used the Vatican as a base for its strategic planning. Connections between Freemasonry and Vatican leadership suggest covert power struggles over the control of religious and geopolitical narratives.
Scotland – A key location for Masonic and esoteric traditions. Freemasonry has deep historical roots in Scottish aristocracy and secret societies. Scotland also served as the base for British nuclear submarines, where military psychological testing sought psychopathic personalities for high-level nuclear command positions.
Heliopolis, Egypt – An ancient city with strong connections to esoteric and Masonic traditions. The Greek occupation of Egypt led to Heliopolis being recognized as a major center for mystery schools and initiation rituals. Plato studied in Egypt before integrating its teachings into his philosophy, influencing Western secret societies.
The Holy Land (Israel/Palestine) – A historically contested region with deep symbolic significance. The Sanhedrin, the governing body of ancient Jewish law, played a role in esoteric traditions and occult interpretations of leadership. Freemasonry and other secret societies have incorporated Kabbalistic elements from this region into their structures.
New Atlantis (The Americas) – A term used in Francis Bacon’s esoteric writings to describe the future vision of the Americas as an elite-controlled utopia. The United States has been shaped according to Masonic and Rosicrucian ideals, fulfilling Bacon’s prophecy of a scientifically managed society.
Tera (Santorini, Greece) – An island in the Aegean Sea that may have inspired the Atlantis myth. Archaeological evidence suggests that a highly advanced merchant civilization once thrived here before the island was destroyed by a volcanic eruption. This historical event aligns with Masonic interpretations of the rise and fall of great civilizations.
Moscow, Russia – The political center of the former Soviet Union and a key site of Freemasonic and revolutionary activity. Soviet intelligence networks maintained occult and esoteric traditions, mirroring those of Western secret societies. The Red Square’s Masonic symbolism connects communist iconography with Freemasonic traditions.
The Kremlin, Russia – The seat of Russian political power, adorned with mythological and esoteric symbols. Similar to U.S. Congressional buildings, the Kremlin’s design incorporates pagan and Masonic imagery, suggesting an underlying occult connection between Eastern and Western power structures.
Porton Down, United Kingdom – A British military research facility specializing in biological and chemical warfare. It has been involved in classified research on population control, psychological manipulation, and advanced weaponry.
Oxford University, England – A major institution for elite training, closely associated with the Rhodes Scholarships. It serves as a center for globalist indoctrination, producing future leaders who implement world governance policies.
The Holy Loch, Scotland – The location of U.S. nuclear submarines stationed in the UK. Military personnel assigned to nuclear command were selected through psychological screening to identify psychopathic traits, ensuring compliance with elite-controlled warfare strategies.
1600s – Oliver Cromwell was financed by Amsterdam-based bankers to overthrow the English monarchy and establish a parliamentary system. His actions marked the transition from feudalism to early democracy, primarily benefiting the nobility.
1605 – Guy Fawkes was allegedly caught attempting to blow up the English Parliament. His involvement, some argue, was manipulated to serve the ruling elite’s agenda, allowing King James I to justify increased taxation and military funding.
1666 – The Great Fire of London destroyed much of the city. Sir Christopher Wren, a Freemason and Rosicrucian, had pre-designed blueprints for a new London, which were implemented after the disaster. This event aligns with esoteric fire-worship traditions, particularly the Promethean theme of transformation through destruction.
1700s–1800s – Freemasonic and Illuminati influence grew in political movements, with secret societies participating in European revolutions and the formation of new government systems. The Fabian Society was established to promote gradualist socialism through elite-controlled governance.
1848 – Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto, formulating dialectical materialism as a guiding philosophy for revolution. His work was commissioned to provide a pseudo-scientific replacement for religion, reinforcing the inevitability of historical progress through class struggle.
1900s – The Round Table Group, established by Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner, laid the foundation for elite-controlled international policy organizations, including the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
1917 – The Russian Revolution led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Leon Trotsky, a known Freemason, documented Masonic influences in revolutionary movements. The NKVD (later KGB) systematically eliminated lower-level Freemasons, understanding their role in subversion and counterrevolution.
1945 – The United Nations (UN) was founded as a global governance body, integrating elite-controlled policies on health, education, and social engineering. Maurice Strong and other Rockefeller-affiliated figures played key roles in shaping UN initiatives.
1950s – The World Health Organization (WHO) proposed chemical additives in water supplies to modify human behavior, aligning with population control strategies. Arthur Koestler, working with the United Nations, researched chemical methods of pacification.
1960s–1970s – Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine, was linked to eugenics movements advocating for population reduction. Psychological and pharmaceutical methods of behavioral control became mainstream.
1980s–1990s – David Rockefeller, through the CFR and UN-backed initiatives, promoted mass migration policies to engineer multicultural conflict, which would later be used to justify expanded state control.
2007 – Alan Watt was interviewed by Henrik Palmgren on Red Ice Radio, discussing the long-term agenda of elite control through Freemasonry, predictive programming, and social engineering.
2020s – The rise of predictive programming in media normalized brain-chip implants, surveillance states, and artificial intelligence governance. Globalists accelerated efforts to merge human consciousness with technology, implementing scientifically managed societies.
Alan Watt’s Research and Recordings – The extensive work of Alan Watt, including radio broadcasts, lectures, and written analyses on Freemasonry, secret societies, and elite control mechanisms. His materials are archived at
The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels – The foundational text of dialectical materialism, outlining the theory of historical progress through class struggle. Commissioned as a structured ideological framework, it aimed to rival traditional religious worldviews.
New Atlantis, Francis Bacon – A work describing a scientifically governed utopian society, aligning with Freemasonic principles. The text connects esoteric traditions with the vision of a planned future civilization.
Utopia, Thomas More – A philosophical work presenting an idealized society, paralleling the themes in Bacon’s New Atlantis. It reflects early socialist and Freemasonic ideals of structured governance.
The Book of the Law, Aleister Crowley – A channeled occult text, central to Thelema, which Crowley claimed was dictated by Aiwass, a supernatural entity. Its influence extends into esoteric secret societies and intelligence circles.
The Fabian Society’s Writings – Publications and ideological frameworks produced by H.G. Wells and other members, advocating for gradualist socialism and elite-directed societal change.
The Works of Bertrand Russell – A series of writings on scientific governance, psychological conditioning, and expert rule, emphasizing technocratic control over individual decision-making.
Jonas Salk’s Publications – Scientific papers and public addresses by Jonas Salk, discussing vaccination programs and population control theories. His connections to eugenics movements highlight the intersection of medical interventions and elite planning.
Arthur Koestler’s Research on Psychological Control – Studies conducted under the United Nations, focusing on chemical and behavioral methods of pacification. His work aligns with historical efforts to suppress dissent through scientific means.
United Nations Reports on Global Governance – Documents outlining strategies for population control, educational programming, and centralized policy enforcement. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) reports from the 1950s discuss water supply manipulation as a method of social control.
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Policy Papers – Confidential briefings and publicly available documents detailing the CFR’s role in shaping U.S. foreign and domestic policy, with a focus on globalist integration.
Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation Reports – Strategic papers on education reform, mass migration policies, and societal transformation, revealing elite-driven plans for restructuring global demographics.
Leon Trotsky’s Writings on Freemasonry and Revolution – Firsthand accounts of Freemasonic influence in Soviet-era politics, providing insights into the role of secret societies in historical upheavals.
Dialectical Materialism – A philosophical framework that interprets historical progress as an inevitable struggle between opposing social forces. Developed within Marxist theory, it was designed to function as a pseudo-scientific alternative to religion.
Freemasonry – A secretive fraternal organization involved in political revolutions, esoteric traditions, and global governance structures. It operates through hierarchical degrees, with lower members unaware of higher-level agendas.
Illuminati – A clandestine society often associated with elite control, misinformation, and recruitment through mystification. It employs symbolism and secrecy to maintain influence over social and political movements.
The Fabian Society – A British socialist organization advocating gradual societal transformation through elite governance. It employs a wolf in sheep’s clothing as its emblem, symbolizing covert ideological influence.
Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) – A British elite policy group derived from the Round Table Group, tasked with shaping global strategies through secretive diplomatic channels.
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) – A U.S.-based think tank controlling government, media, and military policies. It functions as the American branch of the RIIA, advancing the globalist agenda.
Round Table Group – A secretive organization founded by Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner, instrumental in establishing international policy institutions like the RIIA and CFR.
Predictive Programming – A psychological technique used in media, entertainment, and education to acclimate populations to future societal changes before their full implementation.
Technocracy – A system of governance where scientists, engineers, and experts make decisions instead of elected officials, reinforcing elite control through technological oversight.
Eugenics – A scientific and social philosophy focused on genetic manipulation, population control, and selective breeding. Figures such as Jonas Salk were associated with eugenics-based medical policies.
Social Engineering – The practice of manipulating societal structures, cultural norms, and public behavior through education, propaganda, and policy enforcement.
Hegelian Dialectic – A strategy involving the controlled opposition of two conflicting ideas (thesis and antithesis) to synthesize a predetermined outcome. It is a key tool in elite governance and social transformation.
Rosicrucianism – An esoteric movement with connections to Freemasonry and alchemical traditions. Figures such as Francis Bacon and Christopher Wren were influenced by Rosicrucian philosophy.
Theosophy – A mystical doctrine advocating spiritual evolution and secret knowledge. It has historical ties to Freemasonry, the New Age movement, and elite occult practices.
Tavistock Institute – A British psychological research center specializing in mass behavior modification, propaganda, and mind control techniques. It has been linked to globalist social conditioning strategies.
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